The original hater, and the ultimate hater.
His sheer invective spews forth from his monolith, in blood red and bile-yellow.
To say it stands out from the dead world he inhibits would be an understatement.
The original hater, and the ultimate hater.
His sheer invective spews forth from his monolith, in blood red and bile-yellow.
To say it stands out from the dead world he inhibits would be an understatement.
Absolutely beautiful.
Damn, that's a pretty brutal way to find out your food's got more like than you expected. The gradient around Corey's eyes is a nice touch - makes them look bloodshot.
Also, a quick sidenote, the image showing 2023's prompts is broken. Context clues indicate this pic's prompt was "sick", though, or something along those liens.
Yeah. I plan on fixing that error.
Anyway, thank you for kind review! :)
This is a very cute looking room - the pillow looks comfy, and the cat (plush?) looks very huggable.
Hah thank you a lot! I appreciate it :> yah it is a cat plush!
I decided to check online, and from the looks of things, Harmony Premium would cost you somewhere in the realm of $190 AUD.
With that kinda price, I'd say your refusal to buy it's pretty well justified.
see. someone gets it
...yeah, I'm just as confused and bewildered as that woman is - both at the fact fishmen exist, and the ring he's tearing into like the world's largest doughnut.
I don't know why, but this feels like something I'd find in a '50s comic book.
really? how so?
>How the fuck am I back here
I'm not sure, but I'm happy you're back here to show us the weird and wonderful nightmares you can conjure up.
Case in point, that creepy motherfucker wearing Sonic's skin like a fur coat and wielding a horrific smile which my brain is telling me I've seen before from some other horrific web-original piece.
To clarify by "how the fuck am I back here" ,I meant how the fuck am I drawing sonic.exe stuff again.
Also I did not make this little FREAK, he was made by Jack Gore.
Thanks though 👍👍
Your short was a damn fun watch from start to finish.
Your VAs did a damn good job. Penske's especially - newwavesynth's got a pretty damn smooth voice.
YESS both tim and newwavesynth did such a good job, they really helped bring the characters to life in such a short turn around. im very appreciative to have had both of them help me out :)
Looking back at this, these were pretty good shots to tease the short with.
The parallax in that interior shot was pretty damn cool.
thank you!! im a sucker for parallaxing shots haha
Very simple, but pretty damn cute. Looks like a zoom-in on a Blue Album parody.
Thank you newgrounds man, I appreciate that B)
Your avatar's looking snazzy as hell! Cute hat, too!
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23