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Deeply fuckin' unsettling crossover. Fantastically done on the lighting - really draws your eye to Amy's terrifying visage.

h-picaso responds:

I personally though it was goofy, at least on a conceptual level, but glad the aesthetic of the horror elevates it some.

Its kinda fitting given what he is, but Peppermint's design is pretty sweet.
Quite like his cute little flannel/scarf combo, and the unique sclera he's got.

Spookycatzzz responds:

you're too kind!

...goddamnit now I wanna see someone make a real-life version of Blam Juice
Looking at this gives me the impression it'd taste like battery acid and be loaded with caffeine and sugar.

remalicious responds:

Funnily enough, Blam Juice was sum that (I think?) MindChamber commissioned someone to make. I saw da can on gravesquid’s twitter n it inspired me to make this. It was basically a red Bull can with reskin. ALSO THAT WAS KINDA WHAT I WAS goin for with this piece !!!

Your OCs did a pretty damn good job cosplaying the Pico trio - the Darnell and Nene cosplayers look ready to throw down.

EmyFan responds:

Omg tysm!! :3

Absolutely adorable thumbnail - girl looks ecstatic to be here.
I can see why you think its so lovey-dovey, between the hefty dose of hearts and the overwhelming amount of pink.

tomokokyun responds:

idk i just felt so parasocial drawing this so full of love <3 lololol im glad u like it hehehe

This'd make an excellent poster for a DBD/Foundation crossover...

...goddamnit now I wanna see a DBD/Foundation crossover, it'd be so cool

Also, you goofed with the description - 999 pacified 682, not 628

Hypno-Scream responds:

Shoot, I'll fix that, thanks

Loved this piece and its alts - not just for being such a damn good piece of fanart, but for introducing me to something really damn good!

Skidodles responds:

Happy to hear that, and thanks! Glad she got another fan ^^

Quite like the dithering effects and the generally surreal mess of symbolism - makes this feel like a peek into a deranged and traumatised mind.

serialAnarchist responds:

REALLY glad that comes across!! The character depicted here is a Child Soldier and A smoking addict, among several other things, So I certainly would describe him as "Deranged and Traumatized".

One hell of a nicely-made pinup, and a damn good booster for NCR morale.
I'd have this painted on the Boomers' B-52 in a heartbeat.

Catinyt responds:

OMG, thank you!!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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