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Yayoi and Esdeath look a little tied up there :P
Very cute. Love the work on the whip/chain.

AsakoShura responds:

Thanks! Like I kind of said, it happened due to realizing they were both doms, and wondering what kind of Mutual Domination they would go for, either Satisfaction of Destruction.

Went with more calm satisfaction, since the chains and whips holding them together made for a nice pose.

>"One has to wonder what lead to the two being brainwashed into hosts for the King and Queen's parties"
...well, for one thing, being under the King and Queen's spell is probably less of a risk to their lives than whatever alternatives they got :P

Probably also a lot more fun than the alternatives, too - Girlfriend's definitely having a good time there.

Hypno-Scream responds:

Oh certainly, they're having the time of their lives!

Miku makes a cute murder drone (not a literal case here but my point still stands)
The guns in her hands look pretty odd - they seem like a fusion of an Uzi and an AK.

Dar-K-NG responds:

she would make a cute murder drone.
The Weapons are designed for a scifi comic I'm working on, they're called the Kuz-13 and are 100% an uzi mixed with an AK you got it lol! I dont think I posted them here but I will as soon as I can!

Happpy birthday, Gloves!
I really love the cake - looks delicious as hell. Kinda looks like an old CGI render.

RikoandTako responds:

GLOVES accepts your wishes...
Thank you too aha, I wanna get better at 3D so I can do more cool stuff like this :)

Of these two designs, I prefer the one on the right - the snow white skin makes her look almost undead.

liveforrottenbodyzz responds:

Is actually a him/ they, but yeah I like that one more!

"Does he know?" ahh energy
Feels like a part of a larger piece, like there's something Akuma doesn't want us to see.

Spookycatzzz responds:

There is another piece but my clip studio paint crashed and basically erased all my work except for this. Also he love MURDER!!

In retrospect, its pretty fitting this was your final piece before Twitter banned you.
Feels like the guy's watching the end of an era.

PinkTheCat responds:

Yeah I was thinking about this. I'm a lot happier not being on Twitter, but it definitely feels very different. I love this piece a lot.

I gotta say, the red/blue duality motif works pretty well for Spidey. The gold webbing also stands out nicely.

T4NGL3P4L responds:

Thanks! I thought really hard about this costume design and how to get the dual red and blue to work. I actually originally got the concept from a mod that I made for Marvel VS. Capcom 3. I liked it so much that I translated it to an original drawing!

...okay yeah I can see where this seed came from - Riku and Seifer do both serve as rivals to their respective games' protags

Hypno-Scream responds:

Huh, fitting, didn't really think of that

the cryptids (who do they serve?)
Nicely done, and creepy as hell. (Except Chicken Little - that guy just looks goofy. Endearing, but goofy.)

The Lion in particular is my favourite - that summon looks less like Simba and more like a demon made of fire.

Hypno-Scream responds:

Thanks! Yeah, figured it'd be fun to explore the implications of Sora summoning characters to other worlds where they'd be out-of-place, and passersby just see a lion made of flames, a blue space gremlin, a deer dropping balls of magic, or a flying elephant and wonder "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING!?"

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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