View Profile BlueMonday1984

35 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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A desolate-sounding track in every regard, from the bitcrushed audio to the downbeat lyrics.

justthedani responds:

thankyou!! I had a good bit of fun with the bitcrushing :3

A simple, but beautiful piano piece - I can easily imagine this played at a grand theatre.

Tennon responds:

Thank you!!!

Love the mixture of digital and analog in this - they complement each other so well!

RosieUV responds:

It's structured to fit what's going on on the screen. The strings are the build up to the trap, then the trap goes and captures the characters and then the chiptune bit is the villains celebrating (it's 8 bit as the art is all pixel art).

I can hear some drum-and-bass elements - unsurprising given its origin - but this feels more like a track for a villain. Or a spiritual successor to MF DOOM.

RiddleRiddleMusic responds:

One of my composer friends said the calm part was like a video game title screen, so I can hear what you mean with the villain type vibes. I take the MF DOOM comparison as a compliment. Thank you!

This feels very upbeat, with a hefty dose of energy - I can see why people compare it to Stardew Valley.

As a quick aside, you've got the wrong thumbnail in your description - pretty sure you wanted to use this:

Tyhond responds:

Oops, my bad! :> Thank you!

Intelligent News: Fair And Balanced(tm)

Impressively cheesy and overwrought, fitting for a parody news station. Part of me says you snuck some Morse code into this.

ZaneLittle responds:

There is indeed Morse in there! It was supposed to be saying SOS on repeat, but I just realized that I spelled SMS- or the number 3 on repeat. Oops

This doesn't sound like music, this sounds like a recording made from the depths of Hell.
The music box jingle at the end sent shivers down my fuckin' spine.

DrunkGecko responds:

thank you <3

Extremely cute-sounding remix. I could listen to this all day.

Tyhond responds:

Thank you! ^v^

Strange as all hell loop here - I can't quite describe the feeling it gives me beyond "confusion and discomfort".

Zebitus responds:

I'm glad my joke post could display at least some range of emotion

A solidly made sea shanty-sounding song for a shrimply superb operating system.

Seriously, though, this might as well be ShrimpOS's official theme.

Magibauble responds:

aww im glad u likey

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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