View Profile BlueMonday1984

35 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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I can tell you had fun making this - this is a pretty fun listen!
I think this'd work as a shop theme or something.

shletty responds:


There's a very high-energy feel to this - sounds like a fucking sugar rush in audio form.

Tyhond responds:

Hehe sugar rush! Thank you! :)

Slow, calming and completely harmless-sounding, this does a damn good job making me feel at peace.

Tyhond responds:

Thank you :)

Slow, soothing, and just plain peaceful. The slightly faster pace compared to "Harmless Twilight, You Agree?", plus some slightly harsh sinewaves does undercut it somewhat, as if to suggest that things aren't entirely safe.

Tyhond responds:

Thank you :)

You did it
You made a blend of lo-fi and vaporwave

Very strong Y2K vibes in this - feels almost diametrically opposed to the '80s/'90s vibes of the vaporwave movement.

justthedani responds:

I've never even thought of it as a lo-fi vaporwave blend but I think that's a really solid description!
Thank you!!

The backing track sounds pretty damn harsh and sinister - by my guess, you grabbed a track from OMORI and bitcrushed the shit out of it.

Unsure about where the vocals came from, but the bitcrush helps them sound completely fucking insane.

splicrr responds:

So the vocals are actually mine and the backing track is a bitcrushed Amalgam from Undertale :)

You brought some solid lyrics to this instrumental - your voice gave this an "old radio transmission" kind of feeling.

StaggerNight responds:

Hell yeah thank you!

I can feel a certain tension in this - like I should be preparing to fight something truly monstrous.

Nicely done.

Tyhond responds:

Thank you! :D Tension is great :3

Going back after playing through Episode 1, I can hear the pulse-pounding tension in this.

This was a solid BGM for the outbreak kicking off.

JackAstral responds:

Thanks dude! :)

Slow, steady and soothing. This is a wonderfully atmospheric track.

I think it'd fit perfectly for a safe room in a surval horror game, or something along those lines.

Tyhond responds:

Aww thank you and Safe Room for a Survival Horror Game seems quite neat idea! :D

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

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