Ah, what a cute and smoothly-animated Strabby, I sure hope going overboard on these doesn't lead to my horrific death
Ah, what a cute and smoothly-animated Strabby, I sure hope going overboard on these doesn't lead to my horrific death
iCan definitely say iLiked this clean and cleverly-made iParody.
You've clearly done your homework on how Apple sells their iCrap.
Opening shot was pretty damn nice and desolate-looking - man truly looked like he was out in the middle of the ocean.
I burst out laughing at that punchline - nicely done.
Animation's pretty basic, but Audrey's relentless dipshittery was darkly funny.
I thought the original rough was real damn stylish, but the colouring and compositing takes it to a whole 'nother level. This is professional-grade stuff!
A pretty basic, but fun Flash anim. Quite liked the fact you gave this two endings.
Keep up the good work - I see plenty of potential in you.
Thank you for the motivational words! Added the two endings thing because I saw some old Mario VS Sonic animations on here do that as well.
Pretty solid piece of horror-comedy - the opening's shitpost-y appearance and setup left me unprepared for the eldritch horror Spongebob you cooked up for this.
Jumpscare at the end got me good, too - you gave that the perfect buildup.
thx, although I don't like the result with audio not sync with the animation and animation is kinda very fast and weird
The grammar's pretty awkward, but I can forgive it - it does give off the the feeling of a low-budget N64 game pretty well.
Main highlight, I feel, is Prof Hector's model - it's got one hell of an uncanny feeling, and fits the N64 artstyle quite nicely.
ya, am not good when comes to writing english but am happy you liked hector's model
The crude early-'00s Flash animation does plenty to drive home the darker-than-vantablack political comedy. The jokes themselves make this feel like this came straight from 2002, but manage to fit the current political zeitgeist shockingly well.
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23