Well, its not my birthday today specifically - mine's on the 21st August.
This was a pretty damn creepy watch - felt like I was watching someone's dying dream.
Well, its not my birthday today specifically - mine's on the 21st August.
This was a pretty damn creepy watch - felt like I was watching someone's dying dream.
subversion of expectations my beloved
Also, rip monke
Slow and steady wins the race, whether it be winning a footrace or not getting fired.
A damn good modern-day spin on a classic fable - the brick joke at the end was pretty damn good.
I'm not sure who the Hare's VA is, but I'm impressed they got that entire order out without stumbling over their words once.
it was me, I read it slow and sped it up lol
Damn, Laura can rock any outfit you can think of. She looks pretty fun to be around.
Guy's gory corpse was nice and disgustingly detailed, and his attempt to text God-knows-who before hitting the ground provided a nice bit of black comedy.
I can tell there's some minor inspiration from Anthony Fantano, but that's the only music reviewer I really know of. Still liked it - the "reviewer's" pretentiousness cracked me up.
Congrats on getting your issues fixed! This was a damn fun little watch.
Short, but sweet bit of slapstick. Getting some Spy vs. Spy vibes from this.
Marriet looks like she's staring into my soul there. She looks pretty pissed-off at me as well.
Fine little test.
A short, sweet and fun watch. The Eddsworld inspirations are pretty obvious here.
The freeze-frame of the cake was a pretty nice visual pun - also noticed you put Fiery on the cake.
lol yeah I’m trying to not make my animations so Eddsworld and BFDI related but it’s pretty difficult cuz those were the first flash animations I watched. But yeah thanks for watching my video!
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23