View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Pretty solid attack string (re)animation - main error I can see is the Knight's sword clipping through the floor.

VinCrafts responds:

Good eye! Yeah, I only noticed that afterthe outline rendered, silly me !

This feels like a soft drink commercial from another world - a world with a retro-styled Y2K taste.
Also, I gotta say, that Fiz soda looks pretty tasty

This feels like I'm watching a child's worst nightmare put to video. The sickly-sweet, but severely distorted music-box theme does a good job putting me on edge.

A short, but sweet animation which oozes Y2K style and feels like a pleasant dream.

Is this an animation, or a nightmare given animated form?
Is there salvation in Christ in this blasted world, or mere emotional comfort?

I felt trapped underneath the ground whilst watching this - like I was in an industrial maze that would likely become my tomb.
I felt entirely alone as well - as if I was the sole remaining human in a sea of inhuman robots.

Short, but sweet, with a fair bit of style.
Loved the bits where his arm briefly left the frame!

rvogelart responds:

I appreciate it!

Your script for this made your AI voiceover's weaknesses very damn apparent - I noticed it severely fucking up the pronunciation of several words.

Word of advice - you should check the Collabinator (https://www.newgrounds.com/collab) and/or the "Voice Acting" forum (https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/forum/23) for a VA to work with.

SurrealCartoon responds:

AI is used on the project only for the rough version, then the video is voiced by an actor. But thanks for the advice, I guess

Word of advice: your voiceover was pretty damn quiet and indistinct in this. I'd recommend trying to speak more clearly and loudly.

Darkwhisperer666 responds:

Sorry about that I was trying to speak normally I don't know if it's just my voice or the recorder on my tablet that's wrong. One of those two things.

You're not lying about the flashing - I may not be epileptic, but I found it pretty discomforting nonetheless.

I still liked watching it, but jeez I think you could've easily gone without.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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