View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Kermit dropping an F-bomb had no right being as gutbustingly hilarious as it was.
Also I cannot help but distrust Mickey Mouse in this - he's definitely up to something.

Very nicely done, as usual.

AlbertoJGarciaVA responds:

Mickey? Up to something? No what would give you that idea ;)

Mysterious, and a bit surreal. You left me desperate to know more.

...gotta say, this isn't half bad. The choice of audio certainly helped - you can't exactly go wrong here with an edgy parody of Dr. Seuss' bibliography.

The audio's source, however, is an utter mystery - the only real lead I've got is a Youtube commenter claiming they're from a Memphis-based group called the Wake Up Crew, who were on the local radio station Rock 103.

( comment source: https://youtu.be/aXlorb2uBxM&lc=UgxRkmy_nXiaRdyCdX54AaABAg )

...heh, seems I've got a piece of lost media on my hands.

Well, there's not much here to praise/critique - just a rapid-fire looping slideshow of various images.
There are a few interesting bits in this - mainly random ads from around this Flash's creation in 2000.

Cute little loop. Main complaint is that you didn't stop all sounds once the loop ended, which led to several copies of the BGM layering over each other, leading to some cacophanic shit.

sillymillie0404 responds:

hahah yeahhhh ive only been using flash for a few months now and this is the first time ive messed with importing actual audio into the program, thnx for the advice :D

Neither of you may have had a poker face, but I'm pretty sure pulling out a rocketlauncher.png is considered cheating.

Nice and lengthy buildup, hilarious punchline.

For anyone wondering, I checked in JPEXS - the .swf doesn't have any porn in it, nor any scripts which would give you porn.
I know that's overkill for something from the mastermind behind B, but I felt the compulsion to do it anyway. What can I say, I like solving mysteries, no matter how stupid.

(In retrospect, this troll post probably worked better back when the Pico voting bar was still around. I'll give it three for being pretty clever.)

Poor bastard - he'd have been the perfect hire if he hadn't fucked up his escape and presumably gotten himself killed.

Very fine piece of black comedy here - the mix of mundane life and malcontent nightmares made a fine combination.

EyelessAnimator responds:

Well, who tells you he didn’t manage to escape? Maybe he just got a knife in the back and made a run for it.
You’ll have to wait till tomorrow when I’m releasing my first entry for the Serious Hall competition.

I'm a sucker for cute claymation goodness, and you delivered it in spades.

NahManacles responds:

Thank you!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

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