View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Deeply unsettling from beginning to end.
The brief bits of interactivity really help make this disturbing.

I will say, I was quite impressed how you managed to turn the Scratch cat into some nightmarish creature.

Unsettling, and nicely made.

Really feels like I'm watching some cult advert from a lost VHS tape or some shit like that.

Sovhet responds:

thank you!

Bro vaporised his entire body

The guy's body getting deleted instantly really made this land.

Pretty solid expansion of an offhanded comment.

Minor sidenote: you goofed with the link to Kalen Whitfield - it links to Twitter's favicon, rather than the actual account.

Truly, Paul is an inspiration to us all.

Quite liked the frame-by-frame animation.

Excellent instructional video. I now know how to use a lightsaber safely.

Funny as hell, too.

TransmitPictures responds:

Thank You so much! We hope you now enjoy safe and happy Light-Saber... ing. Be sure to tell your friends about our informative and entertaining guide to help prevent Light-Saber accidents. Also, be sure to keep your Midiclorian count high with available Force imbued consumer products!

My man's got some moves.

Nicely done - this is a basically perfect recreation of the PS1 artstyle.

I can see why people were sensing a metaphor for climate change - there's a deep-seated, overwhelming sense of desperation in this that never really goes away.

I already knew the grandma was doomed from the title alone, but watching her grandson try to hold off the inevitable - and going to some horrific lengths to do it - still unnerved me deeply.

The twist at the end was a gutpunch and a half, too.

I know you're gonna go far - this is brilliant!

I gotta say, I quite like how you animated this - not every day I see paper cutouts getting used so creatively.

Also, yeah, I definitely feel the same way.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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