Average day in London
Setup/punchline was nothing special, but the animation was impressively fucked-up as usual.
Average day in London
Setup/punchline was nothing special, but the animation was impressively fucked-up as usual.
That wasn't *quite* how I expected this Mexican standoff to go. Green-eyes is pretty damn quick on the draw, and silent, but deadly, too.
Pretty clever use of red in this - that second hand was ticking towards those two guys' deaths, and they didn't even know it.
This isn't an animation, this is a viewable fever dream, with a hefty dose of surreal shitpost-y charm.
exactly what i was shooting for, thank you for the comment brother
Somethin' ain't right with those waffles. Or that rando with a TV(?) for a head.
Short, but sweet, with a fair dose of surreal charm. Welcome to Newgrounds, you're gonna fit right in.
thank you for the warm welcome!
sebastian my beloved
Main highlight's the animation on his eyes and fin-ears - bro looks *pissed*.
she nom
Main point of criticism is that it looks more like she's eating air than eating the baguette.
A solid artstyle and some pretty neat action - I know who to commission if I want some animatics.
Okay why did audio from the Class of '09 work so well for Totally Spies
You captured the series' artstyle pretty damn well. The ripped credits sequence was the cherry on top.
Short, but pretty cute.
Love the young man's frog hat!
...yeah I wouldn't wanna go in there either - not after finding out there's much worse than a hardcore stinker in there.
Nice work on the gunman - its pretty easy to miss him if you aren't paying attention.
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23