View Profile BlueMonday1984

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The low-fidelity voiceover, the monochrome pixellated visuals, the eldritch-but-oddly-relatable characters and the awkwardly-painful situation they're all in - it all combines to leave me feeling offput and alienated.

Fantastically done.

Calming as hell, and pretty damn informative about a river I didn't even know existed until now.

RobDirnens responds:

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

A quite literal comedy of errors, loaded with funny fuck-ups and failures.
Their in-game performance may be anything but smooth, but it was still a fun ride and a half.

Nicely animated, with a nice bit of zaniness to it. Don't see much Mighty Jill Off fanworks around here.

Well, that little gay gambit didn't quite pan out.
Like the scratchy lineart.

OmgAchild responds:


I don't think cooking the chicken was part of the Magic Crow's trick. Did crack me up seeing it instantly cooked to perfection, though.

A neat little buffet of hotdog puns, plus a good lineup of deranged customers/characters and a hefty dose of linguistic hilarity provides a goddamn barrel of pitch-black laughs.

I get the distinct feeling you worked in the world's worst IKEA.

Short, but stylish.

Arguably a bit too short for Newgrounds' video player - I experienced freezes when pausing near the end of this.

Well, every run ends eventually - a dozen Clock Day movies straight is pretty good. I doubt anyone's gonna be breaking your record any time soon.

(Of course, you did technically make a movie about your Clock Day movie streak being broken, which may technically count to keep your streak going, but that's up to you to decide :P)

PipoBoi is a very cute eldritch companion, if pretty difficult to care for from what I can tell.

This feels like a pet care guide from another dimension, with its central pet utterly beyond my comprehension and all too mundane at the same time.

Welcome to Newgrounds - I can tell you're gonna fit right in here.

ForlornFoundry responds:

Thank you! I'm happy to be here

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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