View Profile BlueMonday1984

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I'm not entirely sure of Becky's intentions, but hey, eliminating a would-be child groomer's always good.

The light dose of analog horror elements really enhanced the pitch-black comedy you were going for.

tungstn responds:

her name is jessica but thanks

Short, but sweet little teaser. Seeing Bogar throw Amy out with his telekinetic powers cracked me up.

Amy's snarky response was pretty good as well.

Damn, did Big Bill Hell's produce a car of their own or something?

An alright enough advertising parody - seems you've mostly got the Gmod basics down.

Your OCs are colossal goofballs, I love them so much

The lengthy buildup to the duo's "concepts" did a good job making that particular punchline land.

...yeah, I'd say Junko's taking the job too seriously - she didn't need to yoink Appy into the void like that.

Quite iked the seamless transition you did when swapping shirts.

Short, but sweet. The black screen at the end keeps it from looping perfectly, but I can forgive that given how ethereal it still feels.

A hilariously madcap anim all around, with plenty of medical tomfoolery.

Quite liked the clever use of artstyle shifts - they really helped to drive punchlines home.

A rollercoaster ride from beginning to end, loaded with gut-busting comedy throughout.

Burt stole the show any time he was onscreen and Maymi's fight with him was the anim's highlight.

Juxtaposition is always fun, whether it be juxtaposing two relatively mundane things or juxtaposing a jaunty tune with suicide by hanging.

The crude animation really fits how hilarious(ly fucked-up) this joke is.

LudeConcepts responds:

Artistic expression for sure

Protip: You can farm XP in real life by making cool shit like this

Quite liked the low-poly PS1-ish visuals. The flamethrower effects felt a bit simple, but the fire effects were pretty cool.

sl33pyjack responds:

HAhaha thank you! glad you thought so, that smoke effect took forveer to render

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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