View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Finely done animesque animations. Feels like there's a thread of the supernatural running through it all.

Jennmorx responds:

Thanks for the analysis, I appreciate that you can look beyond "just an animation" 😄✨

Feels quite a bit like something I'd find on the N64. The HUD does seem more like something I'd find on the Gamecube, but that's probably due to seeing an equivalent HUD turn up in Luigi's Mansion.

...yeah, Princess Mikala better get going in case anyone works out the real culprit

Animation was kinda basic, but it worked well enough to help the slapstick and the punchline land.

Short,but unsettling. Hearing the ambience swell got me preparing for a jumpscare which never came.

*looks at the runtime*
108 minutes? Haven't seen something this long since Commercial Break! (https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/938068)
(Granted, this is just the entirety of Season Two crammed into a single movie)

A compilation of some solid, if surreal, stuff.

I mean, there certainly *were* monsters in Halo, just not invisible ones

Like how you did the backgrounds.

...okay Home Movies' artstyle fits Bob's Burgers pretty well

Quite liked how you effectively reused audio from Family Guy - I thought the Peter/Homer segment came straight from the show for a hot minute.

10OutOf10Media responds:

'ppreciate it!

Damn, what the fuck did the duck get in that drive-thru?

This felt like a dying dream from start to finish.

I know the pancake-faced guy's no fan of seeing people getting hot n' sweaty, but the relentless F-bombs were excessive Jesus

Also why does the sun's nose look like its trying to take a whiff of humanity

artboypete responds:

i dont know why i drew the sun like that, but yeah i felt like swearing... it was hot

I don't piss in the parking lot, I piss in the toilet like a reasonable human being

Impressive work on the fucked-up expressions. Also, did that guy's pelvis fucking explode

artboypete responds:

not in a water bottle? maybe?
yeah it did explode, cuz thats how it feels

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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