View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Repeating my previous review from memory:
Your mockups perfectly fit the Frutiger Aero aesthetic people expected the eighth gen to make use of, and your video wouldn't have looked out of place in late '00s YouTube.

The Windows Movie Maker slideshow, the nu-metal BGM (sorta :P), the JPEG artifacting, it all brings me back to my childhood days.

Coolfan23 responds:

thanks for taking the time to re-comment on it man, I really appreciate it! means a lot to hear people thoughts on the stuff!

Eerie as all hell - I spent the entire runtime waiting for a jumpscare which never came.
Ending was a bit anticlimactic, but ah well.

An excellently animated setup for what I can only imagine to be a truly awesome fight.
I really hope this gets finished someday.

thefunnymann responds:

I could probably consider remaking this one day. But for now I'm just doing my own other stuff.

A finely done Vinesauce-approved shitpost - the crude animation really helps make this as funny as it is.

Short, sweet, silly and straight-to-the-point. Could've done with some audio, but the guy's head getting blown off still got me good.

From the wide variety of styles and scenes in this, I've got a real damn good feeling about it.

MikeReanimated responds:

It will be great

I gotta say, there's something rather quaint about this, having watched this a decade down the road from its creation.

All the games you showed here were pretty great, but Dead Detention #1 stood out to me with the benefit of hindsight - that wasn't just a damn good VN, but the seeds for the truly excellent Universe 08.

Damn, didn't know Kris had an N-word pass
You did a good job getting some black comedy out of Deltarune's darkest moment.

Visuals look pretty solid all-around. Main thing I noticed was off was the music box ballerina's left leg - it looks to be phasing through its right leg.

SamSandwichs responds:

Omg I didn’t notice that!! Thank you for letting me know, really helpful & appreciated!!
As soon as I get home I’ll fix it ^_^

Killing the dragon's the easy part, getting the princess was the hard part. Managing to get to Hooter's without killing all those kids was also supposed to be easy, but lady luck clearly had other plans.
Awkwardly funny from start to finish. Ending kinda reminded me of Holy Grail's.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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