View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Looks like an intro for a post-apocalyptic sci-fi series - the setting looks like a far-flung future whose inhabitants boast inhuman powers.

That dude would make a damn good firefighter, I can say that for sure

Short, but sweet. The fire effects were distinctive in their simplicity - the flames behind the guy gave the impression they were like an impassable wall. Loved the orange haze they generated as well, and how it disappeared when the fire got extinguished.

I've heard of Dogs Playing Poker, but not Mutt-Ants Playing Blackjack

This animation feels like I'm suffering a bad trip - the visuals do a good job plunging this straight into the uncanny valley.

(Sidenote: I usually associate cocaine abuse with financial insanity, rather than artistic insanity)

artboypete responds:

Mutt-Ants Playing Blackjack, i like this one.
yeah it seemed like i created it under the influence but its just a convo i had with my lil bro as kids. it was so weird it stuck with us forever

I'm a perennial sucker for good action, and this preview's got it in spades.

Love how well Cheddar and Hazel worked together in this.

Don't you hate it when you accidentally discover a sinkhole beneath your bench

I felt the sheer impact of Chun-Li taking a seat in this. The sheer property damage caused in the background is one hell of a nice touch.

There's an impostor among us - too bad everyone's a bunch of idiots.

Thankfully, the bouncy animation and excess of memes made for entertaining viewing.

Also, is that fucking Falling from Fleeing the Complex (https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/653587) I hear

Hauntvania responds:

Thank you! : ) Hehe, we might have gone a bit overboard with the memes. Believe it or not there were actually a ton of memes that we couldn't fit in.

Oh, close, but that song we used is the ejection music from among us.

Impressively animated ass-kicking from start to finish.
The Grunt getting sent flying at the end cracked me up.

MotoGinji responds:


Welcome home, Astro. We've missed you.
I had a wide smile on my face the moment Chip turned up - they were a truly heartwarming sight.

Flooko responds:

Makes my day to hear that :)

An action-packed and stylish beyond belief music video for one of the coolest songs I've heard all year.
If you don't mind, can you also post the downloadable poster in the Art Portal as well? Its really damn cool!

JustXerox365 responds:

Thanks!!! This means a lot to me :)
I will post poster as art tomorrow (according to my time zone)

Update: nah, I already posted it

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
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