View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Excellently made. You really captured that low-poly aesthetic.

Paul responds:

Thank you!!

Instructions unclear, became a drug lord

GATTOX8 responds:


I see a lot of potential in this.

TheLawfulMike responds:

TY. It's going to be a lot of work, but Imma darn well try my best.

Finely-made slapstick animation.
The vase joke got me multiple times.

RealSkoopity responds:

thank you very much! :>

A deeply unimpressive attempt at comedy, which confuses being edgy for being funny.

Also, quite bold of you to call this site's userbase "Gen Z pussies".

GATTOX8 responds:

Dude wtf its easy to see that u are one of them cause the only type of people who i was calling "Gen Z pussies" is the type that gets offended by this shit not the site userbase
Cause every site got this type of user
And also stop trying to be a Smartass when u couldn't even undertand what i wrote in the commentary
and i checked your profile basicly the only thing that u ever did on this website is trying to be a smartiepants

A nicely-made and funny-as-hell Yu-Gi-Oh parody

Excellent work on the VA too, Kokoro!

vestik responds:

Thank you! I agree, Kokoro is great.

Your friend couldn't ask for a better birthday gift than a personally-made animation.

SushiGoat responds:

I tried my very best <3 she loved it!

Pretty simplistic animation, but still cool to watch.
CRT filter was nice, too.

Nahueloky responds:

thanks :D

I can definitely see you're gonna fit right in, that's an excellent animation!
Welcome to Newgrounds!

JojoBeanus responds:

awe, thank you so much, you're too kind!

Finely made Flash, with excellent animation and a creative spin on the NG intro.

Only complaint is the "Replay" button seems a bit jank - seems the button only covers the top half of the revolver.

mebrouk responds:

I'm sorry about the Replay button. This gun looks like a Manurhin MR 73, a French-made 6-round cylinder Revolver designed and produced in 1972, and used by the GIGN, RAID, the GIPN, and the National Police of France. Considering that both this gun and Napoleon Bonaparte came from France, It could make sense, right?

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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