View Profile BlueMonday1984

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This isn't an animation, this is a viewable fever dream, with a hefty dose of surreal shitpost-y charm.

michael81007 responds:

exactly what i was shooting for, thank you for the comment brother

Somethin' ain't right with those waffles. Or that rando with a TV(?) for a head.
Short, but sweet, with a fair dose of surreal charm. Welcome to Newgrounds, you're gonna fit right in.

GlitchBone responds:

thank you for the warm welcome!

Animation's nothing special, but I'll give you props for a pretty clever critique of all the redpill/blackpill garbage clogging up the Internet

Thinking about it a bit, the animation/AI voiceover kinda fits, considering you're imitating the brainrot content you're roasting.

jackbliss responds:

Thanks for the review :)

I think its obvious to everyone that you could make a better Minecraft movie than Hollywood.
For one thing, you actually know what you're doing.

ThatBusyAnimator responds:

Honestly you're right, though thats not saying much cus its Hollywood lol. Anyone who can use a computer and can write can do better than Hollywood nowadays amirite?

The floofs are so cute, and Death's pretty happy too.
Astro fits the camping set-up shockingly well.

Flooko responds:

thanks for watching :D

A solidly-made and pretty spooky send-up of analog horror.

Saw some odd, indecipherable text on frames 1466-1468 - not sure if there's anything deeper or its just a clever gag.

tungstn responds:

it was an unfunny gag it isn’t important

>potassium permangante
bro's stomach is getting oxidised fr fr

I'd say this is a fine enough first attempt - lipsync was alright, barring the desync near the end.

IsaiahsStuff responds:

Thank you for the fair review. Don't worry I will hopefully better soon!

Damn, you're a big fan of "In the Hall of the Mountain King", aren't ya?
Can't exactly blame ya for it, it fits the kinda comedy you you specialise in.

Anyways, pretty solid second part - liked the clever call-back you slid in there.

teemovsall responds:

whats means "in the Hall of the Mountain King" dont understand at all your comment XDD
thanks anyway

Short, but sweet mix of still life and stylised silliness.
Welcome to Newgrounds, I can tell you're gonna have a good time here!

AJonoNikoStudio responds:

Thanks so much! I'm really happy to finally be part of Newgrounds. I grew up on a steady diet of Newgrounds and YouTube flash animations and games back in 2007-2010, so it feels like a bit of a homecoming. Looking forward to having a great time here!

Short, but blackly silly little loop. Nice work on the blood coming outta Darnell.

Teacookiesandpeace responds:

Thank you, it was fun to animate it (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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