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Simple, but fun anim. Happy birthday, Lone!

Lone8850736 responds:

tysm dude!

Short, but sweet, with a snappy punchline. Nice work on the flower - didn't realise those were spikes/teeth on it at first.

megadrivesonic responds:

thanks, i had this idea and i just had to animate it. glad the joke landed for you.

Bee and Carrot are so cute together, and the light film grain/VHS static really accentuates that.

ZYNTHSTAR responds:

Really appreciate the feedback! I’m glad you find them cute together :,]]

Lavender and Akia make such a cute couple.
Campfire flames were a bit simple for my liking, but the charring on the mallows was pretty damn good.

LavenderAlysum responds:

Thank you so much blue, I really appreciate your review πŸ’œπŸ’€πŸ’œ

The VHS aesthetic and simple backgrounds give this a pretty strong liminal feeling, like this is an anxiety dream.

ZYNTHSTAR responds:

That legitimately means a ton, cause that’s what I was going for! :D
I’m glad it came across!

Perfect loop, and a pretty solid parody of a general dumpster fire of a character. (A pretty entertaining dumpster fire, from what I've seen, but still a dumpster fire :P)

Nice work on the background!

Comicdud responds:

Thank you for the feedback! It's easy to pick on chloe but I also enjoy the tragedy of her character. Also I've been trying to work on my backgrounds so I'm glad to hear you like it!

Neat little compilation - you've clearly got some solid animation skills.

PowerOfSin responds:

Thanks :D

Hope I got better since then.

I can tell you had plenty of fun playing with this rig. Seeing Tails get booted from existence at the end cracked me up.

YZ10 responds:

Ya, it was kinda new for me to make lip sync and trying to match the sounds with simple animations

the sillies (they just wiped out an entire army base)
Pretty cute animation all around, and happy (early) Madness Day!

ghostorbz responds:

Thank you!! Happy madness day to you too :D

Melancholic and tense as all hell, with plenty of buildup to a brutal ending.

ColinQualm responds:

Thank you so much!! :D

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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