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"safety in pills", my ass

You did pretty well on the lipsync IMO. Ending shot of Bon was pretty creepy, too.

desclown responds:

thank you man :)

"The music is "Screw On The Loose" By Anthony Lowry."
Y'know, I always wondered what that music was since I first heard it. Thanks for telling me!

Anyways, pretty simple loop, but the cardboard visuals are quite pleasing to the eye.

Mistahguy0183 responds:

I really love this genre of music. Simple little 40-60s songs like these attract me like a moth to light.

I'll admit, I was expecting the guy to fall *onto* the pin, bot to make it over, hit the ground and spontaneously explode. The E rating should've probably tipped me off, in retrospect :P

Very zany, very cartoonish, pretty short, but still pretty sweet.

gribblecharacter responds:

yea its my way of subverting your expectations and totally fucking with you. i bet your mind is totally FREAKED rn.

Impressively done on the atmosphere - this had me waiting for a jumpscare which never came.

YZ10 responds:

I really love everytime you give criticism to my animations, it helps me understand more and know my mistakes

Damn, that whiskey hit the Demo hard
Short, but sweet bit of drunken fun.

DemonZXAnimations responds:

the Demo is on crack and f drunken fun

Quick work of advice - I'd recommend using darker colours for the lineart, I struggled to see it.
Music, pretty good though - I'll admit to having never heard of it before now (never watched Gravity Falls :P)

Goldgoose responds:

Thank you very much! Though I am using these as a sketch right now, I’ll keep it in mind for when I post :D

Stylish and dynamic as all hell - gives me the impression this is loaded with action (both lewd and SFW :P).

Zoquete responds:

Thank you! That's exactly what I wanted to get across and I think it won't disappoint!

...okay, the terminals could have some useful info on this mystery, the gear could help him survive, and the corpses don't seem to have much either way.

Gonna take a complete shot in the dark and go for the terminals - solving a major mystery's the goal from what I can gather, so anything which can help that is worth its weight in gold.

TheLawfulMike responds:

Thanks for the vote!
Terminal appears to be in the lead by two votes I believe (I run this story on a few sites btw, most of the votes are on Facebook of all places lol). I'll leave the vote open for probably another week, but chances are Terminal's got it. Get ready for some really bizarre audio logs lol.

I'd definitely recommend posting on Newgrounds more often - your nicely done sprite animation would do wonderfully over here.

MapleAwakening responds:


[S] Amaze the audience.

Fantastically-made and dynamic-as-hell MV, with *plenty* of ass-kicking involved.

No clue what the BGM is, but its damn good too.

bonbon516 responds:

the song name is in the title!
it's a homestuck's ost
i thought it's pretty obvious but i guess not much people know about homestuck these day..

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
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