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A nicely animated comedy of errors - from the linguistic misunderstanding to the cavalcade of catsup.
Where's the original audio from? Its pretty good!

ShadtheAnimator responds:

The King of Queens

Nevermind the slug dog, the fuck's going on in that house

I mean, sure the slug dog's got an odd sort of cuteness to it but it sounds like a relationship on the rocks at best and outright abuse at worst between that couple

(Seriously, though, quite liked seeing that slug dog slide out and fuck around with the can)

Chmuque responds:

Hey don't worry about whats going on in the house man I think i might actually be on to something with this highly paranormal evidence, I could go to the press with this, they still argue though sometimes ill be honest but there are bigger issues at hand now

the slugdog is out there

...goddamnit now you got me wanting to watch FLCL

Incredibly high-energy, incredibly fucking stylish - learning what banging track you used for this would satisfy my wish.

Za1ntdoesart responds:

Advice - The Pillows (instrumental)

Thank you so much!

Holy shit, another delicious baking recipe
The banana bread looks derpy and delicious, I'd almost feel bad about eating it. (Almost)

Tyhond responds:

Thank you! :3 Don't worry, when they're ready to eat, they stop becoming living and just become normal food x3

In retrospect, I should've probably seen the monsterfucking coming. It was the obvious punchline for that hot monster under the bed, and you've already firmly established a rep for sex jokes.

Still, 'least this story had a happy ending (in more ways than one :P).

teemovsall responds:

sex jokes is my main theme, you know it xD

This started out as nothing special - just a cute little slapstick animation - then turned into what seems like the start of an ARG.

Saw an eyeball, a right arrow, and the number 5969251 from frames 844 to 849. I suspect that might mean something.

Also saw some alien looking text in the outro.

KingCrowned responds:

Thanks for previewing the latest schtick

Very cute models - they've got some cute moves.

CuteNikeChan responds:

thank you, im so glad!! ~

Feels like I'm watching a nightmare or a dying dream - can't quite pin down what it is.
There was an odd sense of hope in the ending, however hard it was to suss out from its wall-melting nightmarish nature.

12bitretro responds:

Exactly the type of response I like to hear! Its a mix of both, its a story about depression, I originally had a different ending in mind, however, I felt it would be too direct.

I know suits are generally soulless bastards but using argumentum ad baculum on someone who can send an army of lawyers after you doesn't seem like the smartest idea.

Short, but sweet - liked the stress you put on the pitchmaker's face.

GLoosley responds:

I hope the army Air Bud lawyers catch wind of this one. Feel free to send it their way!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
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