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A top-notch collab, loaded with truly beautiful animation and pure comedy gold, with some cleverly timed jumpscares as the cherry on top.

JAM-POWER responds:

I appreciate u boss! Thanks
I’m glad u enjoyed it! :)

Dramatic-as-hell setup, pretty good punchline.
Welcome to Newgrounds, I can tell you're gonna do just fine.

SprinBla responds:

Oh thank you! :)

This is some reel-y good stuff - gives an otherworldly feeling, mainly.

jcmarquezart responds:


Short, but sweet animatic - seeing Jeny represented with a stock image you drew over was pretty funny. No clue where you got the audio from - I'd like to know.

Not sure who the OC coloured in red is, but she seems pretty crazy.

Meatyomonster29 responds:

Thanks! I colored them with their signature colors to save time lol.(⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)

Last I checked, crack doesn't cause hallucinations. Either Feathers' metabolism is pretty damn alien, or someone's fucked with his rocks.

Either way, it was pretty fun to see them get fucked up by drugs.

LavvieGuro responds:

LMAO! I am not sure how a dinosaur would react to crack... I wasn't keen on feeding crack to a bird for reference materials! XD

There's the seed of a great action short in this - hope it gets finished!

Seanypikaboy2 responds:

thank you!

Best case scenario, Astro's dreaming. Worst case scenario...I don't want to think about it.
I didn't notice it at first, but the astronaut in Starry Night was there from the beginning - nicely hidden.

Flooko responds:

Glad you noticed !!

A cyberpunk future, tinged with pop-culture oddity.
A forbidden love story, anything but ordinary.

Its clearly in the same universe as Costco Fahrenheit,
and the protag cop's interview showed a lack of delight.

Seems there's psychic powers in this world as well -
the psion's no bombshell, but her spells make loving her an easy sell.

Your Daily Feature's deserved, for pulling an impressive anim from the absurd
Congrats on the Daily hat-trick, and your ability to unnerve.

ToadBurgerTV responds:

That was pretty cool. I don't think I've seen a rhyming review before.

Emergency slime, very cute and very DELICIOUS
Loved how Paimon rolled in this.

pinkplasticbag responds:

emergency food's emergency food lol

He thought he was safe...
Freddy's left arm falling off was a nice touch - gave the impression he's seen better days.

Dredraw responds:

that's exactly what :)

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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