I don't understand a word of Russian (I think its Russian), but the high-energy animesque animation and the clever match cuts meant I still enjoyed this quite a bit.
I don't understand a word of Russian (I think its Russian), but the high-energy animesque animation and the clever match cuts meant I still enjoyed this quite a bit.
(it's actually Czech not Russian but thank you ! :D)
Quick note - you misspelled "cartridge" as "cartidge" in this, and they aren't using cartridges in this, they're using magazines.
Still a pretty solid piece of pixel animation, that just stuck out to me.
yuh i rushed a lot of it cuz it originally had a date limit, wich has been delayed and i lost the original file so i couldnt go back and re edit everything for this realeaze
I've been with the franchise pretty much since the beginning - I was in high school when the original game came out.
Foreboding-as-hell lineup, I gotta say - even Rockstar Freddy's looking dangerous.
Heeeey that's great to hear! Personally, I got into the franchise a little bit after it started to spike in popularity, but I've been with it ever since.
Thank you very much as well! I wanted to make sure they could all look properly intimidating while still being within character.
...I mean its a pretty effective saying, even if its a bit too profane for most circumstances
Heh, but not profane for the right circumstances!
This isn't an animation, this is a viewable Benadryl trip. The visuals feel like I've OD'd on acid, and the audio feels like my eardrums are slowly giving up.
Nathan's the real highlight of this - man brings a whole lotta dry humour to this from his utterly deadpan reaction to his horrific situation
I'm sad now
Pretty solid fan-anim all around. Main complaint's the flashing effects about 40s in - those can give some poor sod a seizure if you aren't careful.
Thank you I was wondering if it was a bit much.
Minor heads-up - you forgot to put the audio in the description.
Still, pretty nice and fun anim.
Pretty impressive black hole effects - feels like reality itself is being torn to shreds.
thanks!, problem with it, it is too short, I ll try to do longer animation next
Yep, this is some pretty good comedy. Sudden explosion at the end was a gutbuster.
Glad it had some entertainment value.
The voiceover sounds like a homage to '50s sci-fi, whilst the visuals feel very much like they belong on the N64.
...goddamnit, now I wanna see a Catnip Scarlet fangame.
You're close. It's the voice from the original show under ajusted via sentence mixing. Glad you think the visuals look authentic though ^-^
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23