View Profile BlueMonday1984

810 Art Reviews

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Get some rest, Siphy - we'll always be here for you.

Love the warm sunset colours on this - feels like a romantic evening stroll.

So many choices, so few braincells.
Loved the Dig2China reference - that's a pretty deep cut from Puffballs' catalogue.

Behold, the many faces of a degenerate
My man's got quite the range of emotions - probably goes through them all on a daily basis.

* Despite everything, its still you.

Simple, straightforward, and pretty cute. Love the unfilled bits of your hair outline - gives the impression of stray hairs.

L0lk responds:

not that deep bro

mmm, cereal

Junky looks real happy to be scarfing down some cereal - those LemO's must be goddamn delicious.
Love the subtle lineboil on Junky - makes them feel like they're shaking with embarassment.

I'm not sure what Sharkdog put in her hair, but damn is it shiny - its giving off a lens flare all by itself.

Also, look at that big ol' eye - lookit how full of life she is

On the one hand, she looks pretty cute, and probably needs someone to cuddle with (those scars are just screaming "self-harm" to me). On the other hand, she looks kinda hungry for blood and could easily tear me to shreds.

...yeah, I'd probably cuddle. Love the cute lil' goat tail.

Sx1grl responds:

tyty <3

I didn't realise this was a JoJoPost at first, I just thought it was business as usual in Hometown.

You did a good job making Father Pucci pretty distinctive in this - I could easily tell it was him even if you only had a few pixels to play with.

Happy birthday, Nothany - finely done and pleasingly detailed work all around, especially on that delicious cake.
Only real critique I've got is that back corner - looks like the two walls are kinda blending in with each other. Probably the lighting.

NothanyTPM responds:

Thank you! The cake was fun to make. Heck, the whole drawing was fun to make.

That's the first time I heard that mistake. The only noticeable mistake I saw someone else point out is the stairs sometimes looking like a weird wall because I didn't make the part between the top of the stairs and the side of the stairs distinct enough. I can see where you're coming though. I should have made the shadows in the background a smidge darker or more faded.

Still, your critique is valuable for me, and I will keep that in mind next time. It's a learning experience after-all!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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