View Profile BlueMonday1984

815 Art Reviews

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This *radiates* pure '80s energy. Feels like you found this design on an old T-shirt and shoved it in a scanner.

That yellow pinprick of an "iris" makes Afton look fuckin' demonic.

As does the completely black mouth and eyes - makes him look less like a shambling corpse and more like a springlock suit given life.

Hypno-Scream responds:

Well, he was drawn as a Heartless here, and those things are borderline demonic. So I guess I did something right.

You did absolutely nothing wrong with your first artpost - getting frontpaged with your very first post is a feat few pull off.

Welcome to the Art Portal!

Welcome back, Boti!

Beautifully done cyborg - I can feel a sense of humanness to it, even on the inside.

botico responds:

thanks, appreciate it! thats part of the mood i wanted :)

What a wide variety of things for criter to dig into. I'd personally choose the salt-and-vinegar crisps, but that's just me.

Took me a while to notice Dood had wires wrapping around him - they did a good job blending in, whether in the background or wrapped around the poor guy.

There's a strong feeling of helplessness in this piece - mainly a sense that Dood's being tortured by forces beyond anyone's control.

Dood's pained eyes strongly help with this, showing naught but agonising pain and all-consuming terror from what little control he retains over his body.

buttercupLM responds:

they are indeed wrapping around him :))

i like the way you observed and described this honestly, thank you :)

"why is my art getting lower scores than it used to?"
Vote scores can vary pretty wildly if there's only a few people voting - even a single voter voting a half-star higher/lower than normal can skew things.

Like Karl, I also don't understand a lick of Japanese, so I needed Google Translate to figure out what his shirt said. I gotta say, that man's concerned/embarrassed expression is well-warranted.

His neck also appears to have used your shading as a chance to go AWOL - personally gonna treat that as a nitpick, given the stark black-and-white makes the little splashes of yellow stand out.

buttercupLM responds:

that makes sense :^

in the animations he’s in, his neck is basically nonexistent, so i kind of went with that style

Simply *looking* at this is slowly destroying my pancreas - even with the donuts' inedible toppings putting the "deathly" in Deathly Donut's name.

(Except the one with star/triangle-shaped sprinkles, though that one's probably got some nasty shit in it, like cyanide, strontium-90, caesium-137 or licorice.)

Jesus, Licorice is bright as hell in light mode. They look like they'll give me a hug and a sunburn at the same time.

Would still hug though because Licorice is cute, whether light or dark.

Tyhond responds:

Haha XD That seems true! Thank youuu!

Very cutely drawn murderchild. Love the texture you gave this.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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