View Profile BlueMonday1984

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The crowd in that smoke cloud plus Pico's bewildered expression makes it look like he's seeing some shit. Must've had his "medical herb" spiked with something strong.

In retrospect, I shouldn't be shocked that pose is older than Jack-O. Easy fanservice aside, its a good way to show off someone's ability to s t r e t c h.

The stark use of black-and-white makes the blood splatters stand out all the more.
Quite like how you did the blood - by my guess, you did them using watercolors.

If anyone's looking for the mod which inspired this, I found it on GameBanana: https://gamebanana.com/mods/518436

As for the piece itself, its pretty damn stylish - its got a strong Y2K charm IMO.

Vinnyll responds:

that's the same mod i found the twitter video on it's so silly and i wanna play the original game but its 40$ (im so broke)

The gate itself is foreboding as hell - the pained expressions of its petrified victims, and the red flamelike glow coming off it makes it look like their souls are trapped inside.

It contrasts nicely with the brush and tablet pen you can see through the gate - art tools of past and present, awaiting your long-overdue arrival to a seemingly idyllic paradise.

I quite like the juxtaposition - makes it feel like a trap of sorts. The background helps enhance that feeling, too - the brushwork on the grass/mountains(?) makes it feel like whatever force is animating this "portal" is focusing its efforts on the faux-welcoming brush and pen.

The gate itself helps with this juxtaposition as well, with its cold, stonelike texture contrasting nicely with the chiaroscuro shading coming from inside.

With merch as cute as this, I think your main problem's gonna be keeping up with demand - everyone's gonna want these!

The fucked-up background and muted colour palette really drives home Alice's nightmarish situation.

Very cute fox. Legs look pretty unique - don't think I've seen them that often on furry characters.

Welcome to the Art Portal.

Don't worry about going wide-eyed with insanity, that's just normal the first time you glimpse the sheer scale of it.

Nice outfit, too - very asymmetric.

la creatura

Very cute -looks a lil' scared, but there's nothing for them to be scared of...right?

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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