Nothin' like a cuppa Joe.
Like the splotches on the guy's skin - they look kinda like burn scars to me.
Nothin' like a cuppa Joe.
Like the splotches on the guy's skin - they look kinda like burn scars to me.
Oh, that art's a deep cut reference - don't think many people know of 'the/Coronation Day.
Also, you look pretty goddamn scary in that image - the compression artifacts are a nice touch.
Hey, Melty! Cute artwork as usual! Love the shine effects!
Thank you. ^^
Happy birthday, Comix! Love the heavy aliasing on the lineart!
The jewel case and CD look kinda like a bootleg I'd find at HMV
The case design itself is pretty damn cool to look at, too - feels like a good cover for some '00s-era pop-punk.
Tbh I need to Redraw the CD art look more nice
That book's title is cracking me the fuck up - I'm not sure what we would do if chickens rebelled against humanity, but the end result would probably be D E L I C I O U S
Also Velvet looks cute as hell
Windi and Pumpkin are so cute together. They've got excellent chemistry.
Awww thank you so much! >^<
A darkly funny spin on everyone's favourite part of the Constitution.
No clue what kinda gun you shoved into the bear's hands though - best guess is its a pump-action shotgun of some description.
Yessir, pump action shotgun, thank you
God, I love the chromatic aberration effect you used in this.
Nice work on the X-ray ribs, too - love the detail.
Thank you so much!!!!
Damn, wasn't expecting to see a gen-u-ine beating heart today.
It does juxtapose pretty well with the cute and scribbly cat you drew, though - makes it look like there's a lot more to him than meets the eye.
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23