View Profile BlueMonday1984

815 Art Reviews

203 w/ Responses

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Send that fucker back to the depths of the uncanny valley where he belongs dear God almighty what have you wrought upon us all

Another excellent illustration - the VHS filter and squashed aspect ratio on the first image really ramps up the unsettling feeling it gives off.

MelloBread responds:

Appreciate it dawg. I would be careful what you say about mac supreme in his presence, i dont have much control over what he does...

Skibidi Toilet fanart has zero right to go this hard what the fuck

Genuinely impressive work. How the fuck did you pull this off with a mouse?

mawibblap responds:

I <3 Skibidi Toilet.

Thanks! I'm so used to drawing with a mouse to the point that sometimes I kinda forget that drawing with a mouse is considered as impressive lol,

It's just that I have been using computer mouse to draw for a such a long time (in-fact, currently 100% of my artworks on newgrounds is always drawn with computer mouse.),
using a mouse to draw just comes to me as naturally as just like other artist who uses drawing tablet to draw if that makes any sense. ☺

Y'know, I always wondered whose art was getting shown whenever Newgrounds' servers shit themselves.

Well, now I know - nice work on making the official "Newgrounds is Down" artwork!

Pure, cubular perfection, preserved for posterity through the power of paint.

Quite liked seeing the variety of brushes you used for the background.

Guy turned out pretty well, I'd say.
Definitely got that Y2K style down pat, with the dithering and jaggies adding some Flipnote-era flair for good measure.

Exactly what it says on the tin.

Can confirm, YouTube comments are a bot-ridden dumpster fire.
At least adblockers are still working.

Might just be me, but that gauze bikini does look kinda comfy

Basic, but nicely made all around.

This is pretty belated, I'll admit, but happy birthday to you and happy birthday to Sonic!

Congrats on reaching 600 over on Twitter. May be a minor milestone (especially with the site's decline), but its still a milestone.

Here's to 300 on NG!

BastionWH responds:

I took a little break, but I'm back, thank you very much!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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