View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Bro's bustin' so hard the sky's speaking Arabic - looks kinda like he's moonwalking.
Short, sweet and just a bit surreal. I like it.

...yeah that kinda makes sense
The crude artstyle kinda looks like a children's book - fits pretty well.

Short, but sweet little loop, with a strong sense of melancholy.

...oh yeah Graduation and Lego Star Wars II both released on 9/11

The flash audio gave this one hell of a shitpost-y aura. Jokes in this were pretty damn good, with the finale contrasting hilariously with Spidey's much more minor inconveniences.

...okay, the terminals could have some useful info on this mystery, the gear could help him survive, and the corpses don't seem to have much either way.

Gonna take a complete shot in the dark and go for the terminals - solving a major mystery's the goal from what I can gather, so anything which can help that is worth its weight in gold.

TheLawfulMike responds:

Thanks for the vote!
Terminal appears to be in the lead by two votes I believe (I run this story on a few sites btw, most of the votes are on Facebook of all places lol). I'll leave the vote open for probably another week, but chances are Terminal's got it. Get ready for some really bizarre audio logs lol.

I'd definitely recommend posting on Newgrounds more often - your nicely done sprite animation would do wonderfully over here.

MapleAwakening responds:


...okay after giving it some thought shipping two random characters who do everything (in a cool way) probably makes some sort of sense
Neat little parody - nice work on Sonic and ron.

You've got the MeatCanyon style down pat, from his impressively fucked-up artstyle to his impressively deranged sense of humor.

I feel like I've seen this before - not sure if I genuinely have, or its just the strong sense of '00s/'10s nostalgia I'm feeling.

Either way, welcome to Newgrounds - I can tell you're gonna fit right in here.

Solidly animated and pretty damn funny shitpost - ending caught me off guard and got me cracking up, even though I knew the original material.

Loved seeing Tails as Ash!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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