View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Holy shit is that audio where one of the famous meme screams came from
Very nicely shaded - looks quite like a woodcut.

BloodyLepus responds:

Yeah!! It's on YouTube, just look up "Chinese guy sings in hole" and it should show up!

Solidly done all-around, with some clever jokes. Sans and Papyrus' bad hair day in the outro did a good job tickling my funny bone.

Short, but unsettling, with an animation style reminding me of Salad Fingers.
Solid choice of music, too - the desolate sounding guitar did a good job putting me on edge.

TheLostCount responds:

Thanks a lot for the feedback! :)

Don't you hate it when you get grounded due to forces outside your control
Young Varg's expresions are pretty fun to see.

(Sidenote: Your links lead to favicons, not Joel's channel/video)

I gotta say, I was pretty impressed with the interactive menu - Flash is a bit of a lost art these days. Main error I noticed was the menu not being available on slide 1 - led to the instructions slightly confusing me there.

Your art's also pretty cool to see, with bold colours and a strong Y2K charm.

weirdosona responds:

i intentionally hid the menu because the placement hides some of the words, and it's so big that you can't really place it in a good place that allows you to read (and i'm unable to customize it for some reason)
also, thank you! i never thought of my art as y2k, but i was definitely inspired by the era :3
embarrassingly, i used a template, but the disclaimer screen was my own creation (was kinda hard to make because i didn't know what was making it start from slide 2 at first until i found it was because of actionscript)

Can't relate, I use adblock and haven't seen an advert in a while
Also, I can see why HoYo's lax about the song use - its not only pretty damn good but helps get eyeballs on their gachastuff

Also, damn you've got some moves


Coin was a bit simplistic, but that can be forgiven given it was just there to set up the animesque climax.
Also is that a fucking twerking Crewmate in the picture frame

The dithering and pixel style reminds me of Flipnote Hatena - very cute.
The untied shoelace gag was a neat addition to the original audio.

A lovingly animated and authored film noir parody - Davidson's monologue provides plenty of sidesplitters and some neat bits of worldbuilding about the dumpster fire of a city he resides in.

Post-credits blooper was pretty funny to watch, as well.

PadrePuerte responds:

Thanks a ton! Appreciate you watching, glad you liked it! <3

Damn, these spirits can be real smartasses
Nice work on the possessed TV - looks like its possessed by a shifty and devious spirit.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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