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I would've easily mistaken this for genuine FNAF2 gameplay footage if this dropped back in 2014.

Very smooth and stylish - I can see some heavy 3rd Strike inspiration in this. Hit effects are nice and colourful, making them easy to see in the heat of combat and giving some comic-book style charm.

Comic I'm pretty sure that's not how you're supposed to hydrate yourself
Liked the sketchy, paper-like artstyle on the bee - contrasts nicely with Comic's flat-shaded appearance.
Loved the brief artstyle switches in this, as well, plus the greenscreen explosion punchline.

ComicToonsAnimation responds:

People Said that there's a lot of ways to hydrate yourself. And thank you for enjoying the video and the effort I put in.

The animation loop's nothing special, but your shark-cat(?) OC's pretty cute and the background's pretty nicely done.
No clue what the BGM is, but its a banger.

A top-notch shitpost, and a solid birthday gift for Niibez.
Hope he was a wonderful day!

A pretty solid remake of your animation debut - the clever choice of background and cleverly-used snippets of live-action really enhance the atmosphere.
Feels quite like an ad-hoc interview gone awry.

Happy Robot Day! Cool OC!

This started off as a Scooby-Doo parody and rapidly evolved into a goddamn anime.
I didn't quite notice it at first, but seeing the full season compiled together like this makes the evolution very fucking stark.

CoyKey responds:

Yeah I'm so happy that translated so well, I'm trying to emulate the wild change in tone in the short amount of time like how most people who read the webtoon for the first time get. Just makes me happy that it worked out exactly like I wanted :D))

Damn, that girl's got quite the throwing arm. Cool gradient on her hair, too.
Welcome to Newgrounds - you've made quite a good impression with your debut.

Joxterjpg responds:

Thank you so much I appreciate it!! and yay I hope so!! :D

duck speedrun any% no skips
The transition from animation to gameplay was basically seamless - nicely done. The anim itself was also pretty damn charming, filled with a lotta personality.
Ending shot of the duck was quite damn finely done, too - like the use of chiaroscuro.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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