View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Poor bastard - denied a chance to stand by his short leg.

Short, but sweet. Guy's pretty cute, and its heartbreaking seeing his pain.

Critical Strike on Boyfriend
Boyfriend Left Arm Crippled
Boyfriend Right Arm Crippled

The VATS setup was nothing special in my eyes, but seeing Boyfriend's arms nonchalantly plop off from the uppercut of the century put a smile on my face.

Very endearing apple acquisition attempt from that fluffy lil' fox.
Quite liked how you branched out your style here.

VinCrafts responds:

Awww thanks! I’ve always wanted to do 3D stuff, and I’m glad you like it!

I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall in this Rogan interview gone sideways.
Shame this ended far too early - finely animated as Goofy is, I'm hungry to see how it all went down.

Off-putting and unsettling animation - the paper dissection highlighted the poor bastard's devastation.

MuffinCrow responds:

Just my goal, tysm!! ^^

The visual pun with the blue sky got me good, as did seeing Comic's eyes burn up at the sight of the sun. Poor bastard - didn't anyone tell him not to look directly at the sun?

ComicToonsAnimation responds:

lol, glad you like it :D

I don't know what kinda stealth powers Sembene's got, but god damn that kid's like a ninja

Excellently animated lil' sip of Senegalese cuisine - I knew jack shit about their spiced coffee before running across this. Dee Cloud did a damn good job on the music as well.

Spamton's transformation into his NEO form was pretty damn unsettling. The splashes of colour there really sold the unnatural nature of it all.

Mario sounds absolutely goddamn psychotic in this - impressive how context can utterly change how something comes off.

Nice work on the Inkling - looked like she was dying in pure unfiltered fucking agony there.

Just a quick heads-up - there's no audio in this. I think something went wrong when exporting this.

UPDATE: Turns out I managed to accidentally mute the audio. Gotta say, the music fits this deranged YTP-ish nightmare pretty fucking well

DrunkGecko responds:

There is absolutely audio lol

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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