View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Word of advice - half the runtime's too long for an opening. I'd recommend either shortening it or dropping it altogether.

Anyways, fine bit of high-explosive slapstick - a comedic hole-in-one, so to speak

Holy shit, another delicious baking recipe
The banana bread looks derpy and delicious, I'd almost feel bad about eating it. (Almost)

Tyhond responds:

Thank you! :3 Don't worry, when they're ready to eat, they stop becoming living and just become normal food x3

Short, but sweet shitpost - that McD's worker was waiting his entire life for an opportunity to call someone a dumbass without consequence, and his stern expression reflects that.

Guy in the drive thru looks like he's got a single braincell bouncing about inside his brain. Probably the Boyfriend-like eyes.

An accurate simulation of how everyone responds to the Reaper making its entrance.

The Reaper's walk animation being just you repeatedly flipping its sprite gives it an impressively strong shitpost aura. As is Minato pulling a Pim and cartoonishly freaking out.

Brutally melancholic and painfully relatable - it felt like John's relationship was going so well...

I really wanna know how you pulled off the rain effects - by my guess, you layered rain footage over the top of the base animation.

This really feels like a piece of CGI lost media, and does a good job retaining the original short's melancholic, hopeless tone.

A very clean, very stylish vanity plate - this'd be perfect to close out any animation or collab you work on.

In retrospect, I should've probably seen the monsterfucking coming. It was the obvious punchline for that hot monster under the bed, and you've already firmly established a rep for sex jokes.

Still, 'least this story had a happy ending (in more ways than one :P).

teemovsall responds:

sex jokes is my main theme, you know it xD

This started out as nothing special - just a cute little slapstick animation - then turned into what seems like the start of an ARG.

Saw an eyeball, a right arrow, and the number 5969251 from frames 844 to 849. I suspect that might mean something.

Also saw some alien looking text in the outro.

KingCrowned responds:

Thanks for previewing the latest schtick

Very cute models - they've got some cute moves.

CuteNikeChan responds:

thank you, im so glad!! ~

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

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