View Profile BlueMonday1984

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A Vegas-themed fever dream, and a pitch-black mockery of casinos' predatory nature.

Its by no means subtle in its depiction of the casino as a form of Hell on Earth, but said lack of subtlety works strongly to its advantage.

The jackpot winner dying right then and there, his corpse getting unceremoniously dumped into some vat of God-knows-what, the vat serving quasi-literal shit to a buffet-goer, the eyeball-as-roulette-ball openly cheating for the house - all of it works to create a fine blend of horror and humour, both pitch-black.

The ending shot is worth some praise as well - it feels outright desolate, like witnessing the aftermath of a nuclear strike.

ToadBurgerTV responds:

You write reviews for the New York Times or something?

Short, but un-fucking-settling.

Even before some random dipshit sent a cleaver his way, Thumper was *deep* in the uncanny valley.

Ho-lee shit, that's a lotta visual puns.
Good to see you sticking them here - Instagram's been dying for a while.

Pretty alright Flash animation.

Main error I noticed is you didn't stop all sounds once the loop ended, leading to several versions of the music layering over each other and leading to an unlistenable cacophany.

FunniButters responds:

Thank you!! i didn't know how to stop it at the end so thats why its doing that.

That was one hell of an interview - even with Bill's softball questions, Bill still found himself getting embarrassed six ways to Sunday.

Nicely done, and pretty damn funny.

I personally prefer this one over the video version - music's a fair bit clearer.

TheReaILogg responds:

yeah I don't know how to make the music better on the MP4 version.

Gotta say, the filters complement this piece pretty damn well.

Also, I have zero clue who the fuck Tommy Heavenly6 is, let alone which song you chose. Still a nice and complementary banger, though.

hancocktom41 responds:

It was the second op for soul eater. Real banger :)

A finely-done flock of shitposts, all nicely animated.

A goddamn hilarious rollercoaster ride, which seamlessly switches from "high-school comedy" to "is this a goddamn anime" halfway through.

Also, for anyone wondering, yes, Pongstars is real: https://www.pongstars.net/

brutustheshow responds:

Glad you enjoyed it!! Haha I love the transition from high school comedy to bombastic anime too, one of my favorite parts of the whole thing

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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