View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Damn, where's this fishery at - the uncanny valley?

The low resolution and low polycount gives an unsettling lack of detail - really works to creep me out.

Not sure if you've genuinely been around for fifteen years or if you're staying in kayfabe here, but you did a damn good job with this compilation of some fine cartoon work.

ChuckyChickn responds:

First cartoon was uploaded on YouTube on July 28, 2009 on the creator's first account. We've been genuinely around for that long! lol thank you so much!

You did a damn good job recreating Tankmen's simple, but distinct style.

This is an absolutely adorable animation - the mechanics look pretty solid, too!

Tyhond responds:

Thank you! >u<

Goddamn hilarious. The Noise's taunting (in both the in-game and out-of-game sense) was the cherry on top.

This was goddamn hilarious - FroggyRanger killed it with the VA, and you really made VIvian and Bobbery feel alive!

...goddamnit, now you've got me wanting an entire OVA of your OCs with how fucking beautiful this is.

reyamily responds:

i really want that too!! but no one else will do it but me, and I'll take forever!!!!!

also thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

Quite liked the simplistic animation - made the sudden punchline all the more jarring, and was pretty pleasing on the eyes. Your VA was pretty good, too - sounded pretty relaxed IMO.

As for my burger preferences:
Personally never had In-N-Out (I live in the UK BTW), but Five Guys is pretty fucking delicious. Filling as hell, too - between the burgers being denser than osmium and the metric shitload of fries you get, you're walking out of that place feeling like you've packed on a few pounds. Milkshakes are also pretty tasty (even if they're prone to giving me brain freeze), and help with that whole "ensuring you leave feeling fuller than a hibernating bear" kinda feeling. The food there is horrifically expensive, though, so I can't really afford to go there all that often.

There's also a burger van at the local B&Q where I live - they do some fucking delicious burgers. I get a half-pound bacon cheeseburger there every Monday and Friday.

The strong Y2K style goes pretty damn well with the generally deranged animation.

The animation itself goes pretty well with Milkypossum's generally deranged-sounding style.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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