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Loved seeing the style shift(?) from WIP-style lineart to an approximation of the final product!

DynamoToon responds:

That’s what all cartoons look like before they drink their weekly recommended paint buckets.

Man may be pretty silly (in both appearance and personality), but I ain't fucking with someone dual-wielding a gun and a hammer, and packing four arms to boot.

Man does do a good job giving a "holy shit I can see the future" face, too.

KROLinthetank responds:

ahahaha, thanks!

Alright little test - main error I see is the "play" button reappearing shortly before the animation ends for real.

YazidDRAW responds:

it's fixed.

Pretty damn surreal and downbeat - feels like the Traveller was reminiscing about his childhood years.

Flooko responds:

Turtles in time was always my fav game as a kid... I love incorporating my own nostalgia into these :)

Gonna go for the potentially lucrative option and try to get into the storage car - I suspect Edrik's gonna need everything he can get to deal with the Deluge Detail.

TheLawfulMike responds:

Thanks for the vote! Storage car seems to be the popular vote so far, but I'll leave it open for a few days at least.

Between the CRT filter and the broken fourth wall, this feels like a screen recording you'd find in an analog horror series.

DeadtosVoorhmirez responds:

Yeah, maybe it's cuz i really like the analog horror series.

Oh well, that genre was much better in 2020 and 2021.

Calming as hell, and pretty damn informative about a river I didn't even know existed until now.

RobDirnens responds:

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Well, that little gay gambit didn't quite pan out.
Like the scratchy lineart.

OmgAchild responds:


PipoBoi is a very cute eldritch companion, if pretty difficult to care for from what I can tell.

This feels like a pet care guide from another dimension, with its central pet utterly beyond my comprehension and all too mundane at the same time.

Welcome to Newgrounds - I can tell you're gonna fit right in here.

ForlornFoundry responds:

Thank you! I'm happy to be here

I will admit I have not tried caramel apple before, but seeing this cute-as-hell cooking tutorial has left me hungry.

Sidenote: Swapping this movie's genre to "Informative" would make a lot of sense - this is a cooking tutorial, after all.

Tyhond responds:

Aww thank you so much! >^< Oh sure! I'll do that!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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