You did a job juxtaposing Sukuna's pure anger whilst he's waiting in line with his general joy when he's getting his order (in due time).
You did a job juxtaposing Sukuna's pure anger whilst he's waiting in line with his general joy when he's getting his order (in due time).
The swap to stock images really made the punchline land.
You're half a decade late to the "mocking SJWs" craze, mate.
For animation enthusiasts, your stick figures do little to sate - and In lieu of skill, you communicate inviolate hate.
For those with taste, there's no debate - your punchline is anything but great.
thanks but the battle against SJWS are not over
Solidly-made trailer for what looks to be a very wild crossover-ridden ride.
Also, god damn, you know how to make Kingdom Hearts work with basically anything.
It's a franchise that can pretty much fit into anything ^^
I'll admit, I wasn't expecting the string to stop the bus cold, either.
Cleverly-done bait-and-switch - the guy's sudden death-by-bus at the end made for a good bit of ironic comedy.
Thanks so much :)
Quite like the transparency effect on his torso, and the glow effect on his heart.
Thank you <3.
This isn't an animation, this is a viewable nightmare.
I was going in expecting something along the lines of a standard analog horror video, but I instead got something which got deep under my skin for its entire runtime.
Thanks I guess. Could be more developed but I'm honestly exhausted at this point.
This is purely a hunch, but I suspect that guy's planning something violent.
Quite liked the behind-the-scenes look at how you pulled this off!
Yeah, exactly! ^^
And thanks!! I always wonder how is people's process so I like sharing mine hhahshha
A solidly-animated and pretty damn funny (re)introduction. Welcome to Newgrounds!
Main complaint's the sound - it sounds generally...uneven, I'd say?
Yeah the sound is off, I'm planning to fix that in the future.
Thanks for the feedback, and thank you so much!
You timed this hilariously well with Trump taking a bullet to the ear.
total accident lmao
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23