I don't understand a lick of Spanish, but the animation makes me think Aldox is saying some outrageous shit. Probably bragging about banging a lot of people's mothers/wives.
I don't understand a lick of Spanish, but the animation makes me think Aldox is saying some outrageous shit. Probably bragging about banging a lot of people's mothers/wives.
Its a joke video about talking of a kinda lolcow vtuber thats is hot
Quite liked the animation - its pretty simple, but distinctive. The ending was pretty solid, too.
Thank you for the feedback, I’m glad you liked the cartoon!
You forgot to add a punchline to this. All you got's some alright lipsync and what sounds like a snippet of MW2 voice chat.
It works well as a troll animation, but that's about it.
Apple is gay
Using the intro music for Iconic Arms (https://soundcloud.com/xahoy/opening)? I'm sold.
Simple, straight to the point, and a bit surreal, this makes a convincing case for buying CUBE(tm).
I love iconic arms
Solidly done existential dread. I'm not sure if you can make a series out of this, but I'd love to see you try.
Thank you! I'm not really sure either. I'll leave that to future me. Right now, I have different projects I'd rather focus on!
My man's getting drawn like one of his French girls
Neat little animatic, with a pretty funny punchline.
they're all posed up for their photo shoot
glad you enjoyed it!
A nice enough ass-kicking animation, even if the animation is somewhat basic and stiff. Main highlight's the dust effects at the end - they help to sell the impact.
Unsure if you've already heard of them, but if you wanna develop your skills, I'd recommend checking out Hyun's Dojo: https://discord.com/invite/hyunsdojo
already in the middle of doing that
The canal's a risky option, but it also seems like the only option. I'd say Lanrez is probably gonna have to brave it.
Quite like your artstyle - feels kinda dreamy.
There's definitely more (albeit not very obvious) routes to go, but taking a swim is the most direct way to tackle the start of this investigation.
Also thanks. Me arts just weird as I'm weird. :^)
Simple, but moody, with a nice and grungey artstyle.
Thank you very much
I could make it longer but it was project for shcha7sec
Quick word of advice:
If you're looking to find work here on NG, I'd recommend either starting a thread on the BBS's "Voice Acting" forum (https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/forum/23) or making a listing on the Collabinator (https://www.newgrounds.com/collab) - something like this is at pretty high risk of getting blammed or falling under the radar.
The Collabinator won't let you advertise your services without having some original work posted, so if you have a VA reel lying about, I'd recommend uploading that first.
Ah, sorry I'm not great at advertising and very new to NG's but I was told to try it out.
Newgrounds is damn good.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24
Supreme Commander - 7/12/24
Age 24, he/they
TERF Island
Joined on 1/1/23