View Profile BlueMonday1984

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A superb collection of slug kittens - all so cuddly-looking.
So full of life and personality, too.

Pretty damn good Dante drawing all aroud - exudes plpenty of confidence and style.
The gun in the guy's hand looks like you based it off of the DmC reboot version of Ebony & Ivory.

SkarnoxArts responds:

The gun is inspired by the DmC reboot version, but I also wanted to try to make it have some resemblance to those from the original saga.

I feel this works pretty well for Yang - exudes plenty of confidence, feels like a good spin on her standard outfit.

Hypno-Scream responds:

Thanks! The Leone fit is actually a pretty good look for her

"My own clone! Now neither of us will be virgins!"

Feels like I've walked in on something I shouldn't have and both of them want to do horrific things to me.

The glowing alt's pretty cool - the heart in that one looks fluorescent, and the light pulls your focus towards what's important.

Also Purge's got nice tits

I didn't notice the eyes in the top-left before reading the pasta. Nicely hidden.
Nice touches on the text as well - the upside-down W as an M, the C edited into a G, and the Y from a completely different font all do a good job selling the ominous "haunted game" atmosphere.

JustaFella0 responds:

Thank you, really glad you enjoy it (^_^)
I wanted to capture that sorta old pasta aesthetic, especially with the eyes reveal at the end.
Also some of the text thing was out of necessity given there werent some letters in the same font, but I think it adds to it the haunted vibe as you mentioned.

I can see a regular human being in that lineup - I imagine she's pretty important to this world's plot.
Uzi also stands out quite a bit in this, her cooler purple contrasting this piece's warm reds and yellows.

Hypno-Scream responds:

That's Tessa Elliott, as mentioned in the description. And yeah, Uzi definitely stands out here.

Your lineart's got a much scratchier look with the pixel brush.
I quite like it - I feel it fits your artstyle quite well.

On the one hand, one's a world-infamous thief and the other's just some random guy.
On the other hand, Waldo's name is basically a byword for "where the fuck is this guy"
Also Carmen's looking fucking devious with those shadowed eyes and that grin

Hypno-Scream responds:

Yeah, I referenced some actual art to draw Carmen there. Funny enough, it turns out that, even as a villain, she despises brute force and prefers stealth.

The ayys demand tennis players
Perspective on this is pretty damn good - that UFO looks pretty imposing.

very edgy, very fluffy, would pat
Like the abdomen stitches - makes them look kinda like a stuffed doll

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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