View Profile BlueMonday1984

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A pretty damn cool poster for a Newgrounds classic, and a pretty solid representation of the kind of violent antics that made Pico famous.

I'd have personally recommended choosing a different colour for the bottom text - the "Y" in "BY TOM FULP" is basically impossible to see.

I gotta say, that is one spooky motherfucker.
I've got zero clue where he came from, but I would not want to have beef with that guy.

...i dunno, Gloomy Bear looks more homicidal than gloomy to me

Like the pink blood - gives the poor guy's horrific murder an oddly lighthearted feeling

...yeah, I feel that Badeline looks high in this. Might be the eyes - she looks like she isn't quite focusing to me.

You can just *tell* from her full-body shaking and expression of pure terror that she knows full-well she's about to suffer a horrific fate. Fantastically done.

Between Aldox's dopey expression and his T-shirt reading "Freaky" in fucking Papyrus, this is probably the silliest thing I've seen all week. Brings a smile to my face.

In one end, a wounded man, bleeding and broken, but determined to continue.
In another end, an entity which defies rational description - psychological turmoil made manifest, human emotions given inhuman form.

The wounded man particularly stands out in this - I'm pretty sure this is the first full-colour piece I've seen from you.

Absolutely adorable thumbnail - girl looks ecstatic to be here.
I can see why you think its so lovey-dovey, between the hefty dose of hearts and the overwhelming amount of pink.

tomokokyun responds:

idk i just felt so parasocial drawing this so full of love <3 lololol im glad u like it hehehe

You did a damn good job on that city skyline - the colours are much sharper, and there's a fair bit more depth to it than the 2023 drawing.

Dawn and Dusk also look more expressive in this, as well.

Bonnie and Chica's eyes look lifeless in the darkness. Makes them look haunted.
Considering who's inside them, it should be taken as a warning to any unlucky viewer.

Unsettling as hell.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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