View Profile BlueMonday1984

815 Art Reviews

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This'd make an excellent poster for a DBD/Foundation crossover...

...goddamnit now I wanna see a DBD/Foundation crossover, it'd be so cool

Also, you goofed with the description - 999 pacified 682, not 628

Hypno-Scream responds:

Shoot, I'll fix that, thanks

Love the visible dots in this - gives it a unique, almost PC-98'ish look.

very soft, very cozy, very cute
truly relationship goals

...d-does "I think, therefore I am" not apply in DDLC's world ooooooor
Nicely done portrait of an MC we never see - feels like he'd fit right in with the base game's cast.

A truly nightmarish forest, where the dead do not sleep.
Poor girl - she doesn't realise she's in too deep.

Fantastically made, with beautiful fish-eye perspective
Finely-textured wood, and creepy glow from the stiffs.

Don't you hate it when you meet up with an alternate self who falls in love with you

Nicely made - can definitely feel a bit of a duality motif going on between these two.

Loved this piece and its alts - not just for being such a damn good piece of fanart, but for introducing me to something really damn good!

Skidodles responds:

Happy to hear that, and thanks! Glad she got another fan ^^

Finally, Juno is in a game actually worth talking about - she isn't 100% pleased, going by the look on her face, but losing basically everything's worth it to escape a dead game (at least in my opinion)

Solidly done - Juno's looking pretty in the foreground, but the planet-sized store(?) in the background's a nice addition.

Solidly made portrait of Larry's hunter on the left - their gun looks like a mix between a mundane bolt-action and something more eldritch.

The story on the right's pretty creepy as well, with the little dose of mundanity at the end being a nice touch.

Quite like the dithering effects and the generally surreal mess of symbolism - makes this feel like a peek into a deranged and traumatised mind.

serialAnarchist responds:

REALLY glad that comes across!! The character depicted here is a Child Soldier and A smoking addict, among several other things, So I certainly would describe him as "Deranged and Traumatized".

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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