View Profile BlueMonday1984

815 Art Reviews

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Like the paintjob and the sticker-job(?) you gave the tank. Hell of a good way to introduce yourself to the Art Portal.

po pi po pi po po pi po

Very cute Miku - love the shading on her hair!

A cavalcade of clocks, all coming out to celebrate.
A perfect Clock Day banner. Excellently made.

One hell of a nicely-made pinup, and a damn good booster for NCR morale.
I'd have this painted on the Boomers' B-52 in a heartbeat.

Catinyt responds:

OMG, thank you!!

Didn't even know Gamestop had custom box art ready for any games they took in - granted, I never went to GameStop (there's none over here in the UK - GAME takes its place instead) and its been slowly dying for obvious reasons.

Got a strong uncanny valley feeling to this - feels like whatever disc is inside is probably gonna be haunted or cursed or just soul-scarringly bad.

JustaFella0 responds:

LMAO, you should look at the original, since that one is oddly bizarre in it of itself.

tho it do be true, they be lottery gameboxes where you could get a cursed the ring game(one of the kids found them on a abandoned mansion lol) to peak fiction like halo to the most DOGSHIT game ever concieved to man.

very cute gummy alien, would protect

Would've liked a back shot of the cute lil' guy, but I'm suspecting they're the same on the back as they are on the front so it probably isn't necessary

Inkhandprint responds:

Yeah, there's nothing special on the back.

Such a cute lil' kid, so full of life and wonder with a cute lil' paper boat

Catinyt responds:

hehe thanks!

Alice looks cute in this getup - love the unique/futuristic-looking visor(?) she's got!

Catinyt responds:

thanks :D

Pico looks so silly as a rubber/eraser. I want this in real life

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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