View Profile BlueMonday1984

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Damn, what's the skeleton playing on that Game Boy? Must be mindblowingly good if its lifting him into the air through sheer force of awesome.

Visual effects in this are beautiful to look at.

jmarme responds:

hahaha, the greatest game he's ever played for sure <3 Thank you!

A damn good cover for a top-quality mod, loaded with more references than Vinny can shake a "drumstick" at.

These are some really nicely made title sprites - sure, the ones for Hazy Maze Cave, Whomp's Fortress and Shifting Sand Land are pretty difficult to read, but I can still appreciate the sheer style oozing from these.

Lethal Lava Land's my personal favourite - the scratchy style heavily reminds me of many a metal band's logo.

Very fun little piece - love Nene's mischevious expression in this!

Netaiia looks pretty trustworthy to me - mainly because she looks vaguely huhmanlike. Quite like her detached twintails.

Eleria looks trustworthy, but only kinda - guy's hoodie/jacket makes him look kinda shady. I do like the pareidolic-looking face he's got on his CRT-for-a-head, though.

Simlarus I do not trust at all - motherfucker looks like they want to steal my data and spy on me with every device they can access.

Firstly, its "immerse", not "immersive". Second, I'm not gonna trust something which looks like the bastard lovechild of that one Sonic CD Easter Egg and a Benadryl trip gone wrong.

Gotta say, the scribbly linework and the use of dropdowns, buttons, tabs, and other such stuff as textboxes does a damn good job creeping me out - makes this .exe feel less like a regular virus and more like the spawn of Satan taking over a Windows 9x PC.

JustaFella0 responds:

Bruh what ya talking about? They are wholesome and harmlesss :))))))))

That aside, you right, I gotta keep my grammar in check next time, my bad lmao. But im happy you liked it x3. smiledog(mainly the chainmail chasers one) and username666 is the main inspiration for the corruptions I was going for.

That doesn't look like toxic yaoi to me, that looks like some very sweet and very gay dragon-on-fox action. They look like they were made for each other :3

Niximix-art responds:

These two are NPCs in a DnD game I'll be playing soon!

Showed your comment to the DM/GM in question, They said: They are! They are made for each other! >:3c

The hand is saying "let's take ibuprofen together", the soul-piercing eyes are saying "I want blood", and the bright-as-hell blood and cracking electric(?) effects behind her say "I'm about to unleash my full power".

Nicely done, real "I'm in danger" energy coming off this

...I mean you're not wrong, the guy does look pretty damn good in Etna's outfit.
The guy's embarrassed expression suggests he thinks otherwise, but that's just him :P

stupidvampire responds:

He's a little bit shy <3

I gotta say, seeing Ganondorf's pissed-off eyes in that blood-red image(?) of Hyrule gives me the impression some *bad shit* went down there. The shards of God-knows-what off to the side aren't reassuring me much, either.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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