View Profile BlueMonday1984

815 Art Reviews

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Its a pretty cute pose for a pretty cute guy, I can't blame you for going all the way with it.

Hope they're having a good time out there - Coal and Angel look so cute together!

In the red corner, a yellow-skinned dumbass representing a Western animation juggernaut.

In the blue corner, the very definition of Saiyan pride representing Toriyama's defining work.

This is gonna be a showdown for the fuckin' ages, and LatAm's all here for it.

...I mean she doesn't look blind to me, it just looks like your Y2K style's making her bangs look more opaque than they are.

Really love the unique-looking rocket launcher, though - don't think I see many of them being magfed.

Well, a description for this would be rather point-less, its just a cool-looking bunny boy pointing both ways.

The kiss looks kinda off in my eyes, but its still pretty damn cute to see those two lovebirds.

You knew exactly what the fuck you were doing with that godforsaken bread-shaped ode to American capitalism.
I will give you credit though those boxes of SlaughtO's look pretty appetising

Also damn just how screwed up is Nevada's economy if there's random trash bags laying about (plus a severed head in the back)

This piece's spot on the frontpage is very well deserved - this is a beautiful landscape!

Gotta say, this is a pretty creative use of a fish-eye perspective.
Makes the two feel *really* close together.

Damn, Q's got some ability to endure pain. I had to deal with barbed wire around my hand like that, I'd be swearing like a fucking sailor.

Really like how you redid Q's eyes - no offence to BONES, but he looks a bit wall-eyed in the screenshot you grabbed.

Backgrounds are the obvious point of improvement, as you noted.
I feel you could probably do with a bit of practice in drawing perspective.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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