View Profile BlueMonday1984

815 Art Reviews

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Oh, I absolutely adore cats, and this adorable kenomo's no exception.

Tyhond responds:

Awww thank you so much! >^< Happy to hear!

I have absolutely zero clue about anything which goes on over on Roblox but damn this man's got a good mix of scary and silly going for him.

Sure, he may be an emanciated nightmare with V O I D for internal organs, but lookit him dance

Girl looks like she's struggling to hold up the weight of her colossal tits.
Ah, the sacrifices we make for beauty...

My man's having the time of his life down there.
Can't really blame him - you made the pink haired girl really damn cute.

Nothing better than a chance to chill on the beach. Relaxing as hell, even in brutally hot conditions.
Background's pretty basic, but pretty damn nice all the same. I think I can see some cloud brushes being used for the waves crashing onto shore.

Billy-SuperSkullz responds:

Yeah of course, don't want to distract from Angel front and center!

I genuinely didn't know you could make something like this on Scratch. Impressive work.

Higgies responds:

Tyyy! :3

This is a goddamn beautiful way to introduce yourself to the Art Portal.

Just letting you know there's an object show art collab on (https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1536576) - I think this'd be a perfect fit!

Pipperment responds:

thank you!! :DD ill check it out!!

> Pretends to be a bounty hunter to kill innocent people
Okay yeah that's pretty bad - explains the creepy bag mask, the "they just look like everyone else" design and the name being a clever mix of Jeff the Killer and Ted Bundy

> loves menstrual blood
Ah, neat little fucked-up trait to add some creep factor to him, really getting the serial killer vibes down

> Kick streamer
...actually on second thought a serial killer being a Kick streamer makes perfect fucking sense - everyone on there's a fucking psycho and Jeff's serial killer behaviour wouldn't look out of place in the slightest on that Godforsaken platform (minus the actual killing of course :P).

...fuck, now I wanna cook up something about a serial killer streamer.

Kinda reminds me of a simpler time. (One where I still thought getting a Chromebook was a good idea, but ah well :P)

What a beautiful day.
The setting sun, the petals in the air, the abstract skyline in the background...feels like heaven.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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