View Profile BlueMonday1984

815 Art Reviews

203 w/ Responses

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Goddamnit now I want a Junko Bionicle.

Main criticisms I have are that the background feels somewhat empty and Junko's textures look sorta stone-like to me.
Its clear those are both things you plan to improve, though - keep up the good work.

Its not a particularly accurate imitation of corporate art - for one thing, it actually has some soul.

Excellent job giving off a distinct "something's wrong" vibe with this - even without knowing *just what you're referencing*, the unnatural limbs and pinprick eyes would leave me unnerved.

Considering how easily I burn in sunlight, I feel Toby here. Especially with the weather ping-ponging between "cloudy/trying to rain" and "the full power of the sun shines down upon thee" right now.

xXH0n3yW0lfXx responds:

Relatable, can't go out without some sort of sunburn. Lol

A quartet of despicable fiends, all varied and vile, all resplendently rendered.

Excellently done.

Whoever cut that guy's skull must've had surgical precision - it looks like his brain's still untouched.

Wh4cky responds:

Very much, dudes got some nice enemies

A simple, but cute picture, oozing with Y2K charm.

Happy birthday, Aldox!

AldoxPegaka responds:

Thank you so much !!!

All of these look awesome - I particularly like the top one, and how Junko's side-portrait blends into what looks like a tribal tattoo design.

Very cute ref for Mitzi. Quite like the pastel colours.

buttercupLM responds:

thank you! pastel is not what i usually do, but i was inspired by a character like this that also has pastel colors so i thought i could, too

Take as much of a break from NSFW as you want - I'm mainly here for your cute artstyle, any porn's a nice a bonus.

buttercupLM responds:

thank you for understanding and for the kind words :)

Mardelle's cute in any outfit, whether a straightforward dress or a suave magician's attire.

Billy-SuperSkullz responds:

She sure is!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


TERF Island

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