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Solidly foreshadowed twist, and scary as hell all around.

Quite liked the clever re-use of shots and the match cut midway through. Made things feel very stream-of-consciousness-ish.

ToadBurgerTV responds:

Not enough match cuts these days. The youth have strayed far....

A very high-quality season of shitposts - feels like something you'd find on Adult Swim with the creatively crazy comedy and the charming animation.

"series name changed and reuploaded because my dad decided stalking me online would be awesome so now hopefully he can't anymore"
Wait what the FUCK

tungstn responds:

it was such an experience!

Smooth moves, Detective.

Impressively rotoscoped, Ink. Quite liked the unmoving plaid effect on the Horrible Necktie.

InkGem responds:

Thank you for the kinds words! I've always liked that effect in old toons.

I'm not entirely sure of Becky's intentions, but hey, eliminating a would-be child groomer's always good.

The light dose of analog horror elements really enhanced the pitch-black comedy you were going for.

tungstn responds:

her name is jessica but thanks

Juxtaposition is always fun, whether it be juxtaposing two relatively mundane things or juxtaposing a jaunty tune with suicide by hanging.

The crude animation really fits how hilarious(ly fucked-up) this joke is.

LudeConcepts responds:

Artistic expression for sure

Protip: You can farm XP in real life by making cool shit like this

Quite liked the low-poly PS1-ish visuals. The flamethrower effects felt a bit simple, but the fire effects were pretty cool.

sl33pyjack responds:

HAhaha thank you! glad you thought so, that smoke effect took forveer to render

A short, but beautiful and intruiging animatic which left me wanting to see more.

Welcome to Newgrounds, I can tell you'll fit right in here!

Hallciferrr responds:

Such a warm welcome, thank you so much! I'm looking forward to posting more projects here!

Guy looks to me like he's either bored of the current situation or resigned to whatever terrible fate he's about to suffer.

Either way, I do not see a shred of hope in this guy's eyes.

mitsukineko responds:

Hehe both.

Tartar you cannibalistic bastard

Ending shot expressions were pretty good - Agent 8 looked like they were about to fuckin' kill the guy, and Cap'n Cuttlefish looked unable to comprehend the situation.

NoKoZ12 responds:

Thanks lol

Main highlight in this was the stop-motion roach show - the sudden artstyle shift really drove home just how offbeat it was.

The ending shot also did a good job selling the bunny boy's bewilderment, too.

FinlessFish responds:

Thank you!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

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