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Quite like the sheer tonal whiplash between the whimsical life-filled fantasy-like environment and the long-dead skeleton in a spacesuit.

Flooko responds:

neat eh !!

I gotta say, Starscream did a pretty good job resolving Soundwave and Shockwave's argument - even if it was by accident.

Your Soundwave impression was pretty damn good - I'd be happy to hear more from you!

HOwLiNG-MAdFoxHatter responds:

Starscream, the glue the keeps the Decepticons together because of his treacherous nature xD

And am glad you like~ For sure am itching to do another toon with it

Nicely animated, with some beautiful violin music.

P1pL0L responds:

Thank you! I made it myself! (Not with a real violin but on a keyboard with violin sounds)

Short, but sweet little teaser - I get the feeling that whoever that top-hat wearing man is, he's gonna get up to some capital-C carnage.

RastingofAnimation responds:

That's the way it is.

The calm opening juxtaposes quite well with the psychedelic-as-hell second half, though I felt the shot of the catperson typing on the keyboard went on a bit too long.

Dug481 responds:

lol I wanted to up the time a lil bit

A solidly done parody all around, and an excellent action-packed opener for the Transformers collab.

HOwLiNG-MAdFoxHatter responds:

Thankie~ : D

Very cool and very trippy visual effects - quite liked how all the lollipops melted into each other.

hollaartyourboy responds:

thanks! 🫠

I gotta say, guy seems pretty confident in his escape.

Also, your friend made some good music for this - I think they'd fit right in here on NG!

KingOKarma responds:

im sure he'll make escape in due time,

and yeah he's done an amazing job! hoping to work with him more in the future

Quite liked the juxtaposition between Monk's relaxing stroll and everyone else's supremely silly shenanigans.

AncientEgo responds:

The guy really was born into a life full of shenanigans

This is a wild-as-shit way to introduce people to your tourney, and gives me the impression that its gonna contain some truly nutty shit, all done with the utmost sincerity.

SenorVanderino responds:

You know, your description isn't that far from the truth, no.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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