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Buildup was pretty unsettling, but the jumpscare didn't scare me at all.

The jack-in-the-box's animation also felt pretty stiff - it didn't look like it was on a spring at all.

GrimVibe responds:

it wasn't supposed to be jumpscare

Deeply goddamn unsettling - from the lo-fi, just off-sounding guitar to the chickenscratch artstyle, this does a damn good job putting me on edge.

storystory666 responds:

im glad you think so! thats certainly what i was going for

This is balancing on a fine line between being a shitpost pulled out an '00s-era time capsule and some setup for a religious analog horror series. Feels seriously off-putting.

storystory666 responds:

thank you! a lot of what i make can be off-putting or unsettling, and generally that's what im going for lol

Short, but fun little stop-motion fight.

I wanna know what BGM you used for this - its pretty damn good!

OSSONG responds:

I wish I had time to work on this one more so I could mask out the supports, oh well, maybe at another date.

The BGM is from Cho Ren Sha 68k, track is 'All or Nothing'.

Thanks for watching.

I had zero clue what a Bakemono Caller was going into this, but the meta-comedy was goddamn hilarious all the same.

2coolmon2 responds:

Lol thanks a bunch XD

Damn, this obelisk is getting creative with its trials.

Liked the raccoon-bear's(?) moves - dude knows how to dance.

jtrofe responds:

Reboot is a red panda

Good luck in the Games - with how good this anim is, and how well it sets up future events, I expect you'll do damn well!

Carsick48 responds:

I hope so lol

A Vegas-themed fever dream, and a pitch-black mockery of casinos' predatory nature.

Its by no means subtle in its depiction of the casino as a form of Hell on Earth, but said lack of subtlety works strongly to its advantage.

The jackpot winner dying right then and there, his corpse getting unceremoniously dumped into some vat of God-knows-what, the vat serving quasi-literal shit to a buffet-goer, the eyeball-as-roulette-ball openly cheating for the house - all of it works to create a fine blend of horror and humour, both pitch-black.

The ending shot is worth some praise as well - it feels outright desolate, like witnessing the aftermath of a nuclear strike.

ToadBurgerTV responds:

You write reviews for the New York Times or something?

Pretty alright Flash animation.

Main error I noticed is you didn't stop all sounds once the loop ended, leading to several versions of the music layering over each other and leading to an unlistenable cacophany.

FunniButters responds:

Thank you!! i didn't know how to stop it at the end so thats why its doing that.

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
10k Saves - 15/05/24
10k Medals - 27/05/24

Age 24, he/they


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