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I personally prefer this one over the video version - music's a fair bit clearer.

TheReaILogg responds:

yeah I don't know how to make the music better on the MP4 version.

Gotta say, the filters complement this piece pretty damn well.

Also, I have zero clue who the fuck Tommy Heavenly6 is, let alone which song you chose. Still a nice and complementary banger, though.

hancocktom41 responds:

It was the second op for soul eater. Real banger :)

A goddamn hilarious rollercoaster ride, which seamlessly switches from "high-school comedy" to "is this a goddamn anime" halfway through.

Also, for anyone wondering, yes, Pongstars is real: https://www.pongstars.net/

brutustheshow responds:

Glad you enjoyed it!! Haha I love the transition from high school comedy to bombastic anime too, one of my favorite parts of the whole thing

Not sure if you've genuinely been around for fifteen years or if you're staying in kayfabe here, but you did a damn good job with this compilation of some fine cartoon work.

ChuckyChickn responds:

First cartoon was uploaded on YouTube on July 28, 2009 on the creator's first account. We've been genuinely around for that long! lol thank you so much!

This is an absolutely adorable animation - the mechanics look pretty solid, too!

Tyhond responds:

Thank you! >u<

...goddamnit, now you've got me wanting an entire OVA of your OCs with how fucking beautiful this is.

reyamily responds:

i really want that too!! but no one else will do it but me, and I'll take forever!!!!!

also thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

An excellently-done recreation of mid/late-90s advertising - I'd have wholeheartedly believed you if you claimed this to be lost media from the PS1 era.

JojoBeanus responds:

awe, haha, thank you! I'm glad to hear that!

I always love seeing breakdowns like these - seeing what went into a great animation's so cool!

melancholicdiary responds:

Thank you!

An absolutely beautiful mixture of animation and live-action - loved how Bear's pixelated, digital form jarred with the paper-like texturing initially used for the real world.

Quite liked how the latter half shifted from that paper-like texture to a pixelated, JPEG-artifacted look, like Bear's mere existence was altering the fabric of reality.

The artificial-sounding, heavily-autotuned vocals also fit the unsettlingly possessive lyrics perfectly!

solenlovesyou responds:

you get it (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ thank you !!

Keeping the portal functioning fine, one gratuitous rhyme at a time.
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